Category Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER1110-3-111 Lost Design

Purpose:  This regulation establishes procedures for identifying, reporting and controlling lost design. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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ER 95-1-1 Control and Use of Aircraft CH 1-2

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes the policies and procedures for the control and use of aircraft owned and/ or operated within the Corps of Engineers.

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ER 870-1-1 Field Operating Activities Historical Programs

Purpose:   This regulation establishes the general responsibilities and procedures governing field operating activities (FOA) historical programs.

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

ER 840-1-1 Use and Display of Flags by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Purpose:  This regulation specifies the procedures to be followed for the use and display of all flags, including the major command flag, the major subordinate command flag, and the Corps of Engineers’ “castle” flag.

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ER 750-1-1 Materiel Maintenance Policies

Purpose:   This regulation defines the policies and responsibilities of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as they apply to personal property maintenance, and incorporates Department of the Army (DA) policies for general maintenance operations, commodity oriented maintenance, maintenance …Read More

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ER 715-1-21 Procurement – Electronic Contract Solicitations

Purpose:   This regulation provides policies and procedures for the advertisement and distribution of USACE electronic contract solicitations (ECS).

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

ER 715-1-19 Service and Supply Contractor Performance Evaluations

Purpose:  This regulation establishes procedures for evaluating all service and supply contractor performance as mandated by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 42.15-Contractor Performance Information. Additionally, this regulation establishes and defines the policies for the use of Service and Supply …Read More

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ER 715-1-13 Procurement of Diamond Drill Bits and Reaming Shells

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes procedures for operation of the program for central procurement of diamond drill bits and reaming shells required for hired labor operations of the Corps of Engineers.

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ER 700-1-1 USACE Supply Policies and Procedures

Purpose:  This regulation governs supply operations within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). It provides policy for the acquisition, accountability, management, and disposal of supplies and personal property used within USACE.

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ER 700-1-1 Errata Sheet 1

Errata Sheet No. 1 Logistics USACE SUPPLY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ER 700-1-1 (Change 1) 26 October 2001 This errata sheet clarifies guidance. Only expendable items with an individual unit cost of less than $300 in Federal Supply Group 75 are …Read More

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ER 70-3-9 Management and Execution of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Military Research Development Test and Evaluation RDT&E Program

Purpose:   This regulation prescribes the management and execution responsibilities and procedures (including planning, programming, execution, documentation and review) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Research and Development (R&D) program funded by Army Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) …Read More

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ER 70-1-12 In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes policies and responsibilities for conducting the In-House Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) Program.

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