Category Classess/Briefings | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Field Sanitation Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches Field Sanitation. It contains 71 Slides and is a comprehensive class. Major topics include: threat to field forces, personal hygiene, water supplies, water disposal, arthropods, diseases, management of arthropods and individuals measures. NOTE: This document is in …Read More

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Felony Stop Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 20 slides that discuss a traffic stop. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Family Care Plan Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 9 Slides: topics include: why have a family care plan, who is required to have one, suspense for completion, counseling requirements, and references. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Evaluate a Casualty Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how to evaluate a casualty. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Evaluate a Casualty Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how to evaluate a casualty. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Ethical Conduct Class/Briefing

This class/briefing provides information on ethical conduct and 2 practical exercises. The slides include: Gifts from outside sources, when you can accept gifts from outside sources, gifts between employees, gifts from official travel, conflict of interest, solicitation prohibitions, employment prohibitions, prohibited …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Estimate Range Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that includes slides on:  methods, factors that may affect target appearance, recognition methods, flash to bang, Binocular reticle mil relation method, figuring range. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Establish and Maintain a Publications Account with APD Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains everything you need to know about putting a publications account together. NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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Establish a Positive Command Climate Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that helps you develop a plan which results in a majority of the soldiers in the unit stating that the overall command climate is positive. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Equal Opportunity Program Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that explains the Army’s equal opportunity program. The goal of it is to teach how to correctly describe the components of the Army’s EO Program. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Environmental Awareness Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 17 Slides. topics include: Learning objectives, training practices, soldier’s practices, training and operations, sources of environmental laws/regulations, and violating laws/regulations. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Enlisted Professional Military Education Policy Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 17 Slides: provides an overview of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI)1805.01, Enlisted Professional Military Education Policy. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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