Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Here is a list of every post written by Mark Dail

EP 870-1-69 Nothing But Praise A History of the 1321st Engineer General Service Regiment

Foreword: Over the course of World War II, the U.S. Army deployed 325,000 engineers to the European Theater of Operations. Among the units that saw action in Europe were fifty-four engineer general service regiments. These heavily equipped units, which were …Read More

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EP 870-1-65 Engineer Memoir Major General Richard S. Kem

Foreword: This is the thirteenth publication in the Engineer Memoirs series of career oral history interviews.  The series contains the selected recollections of major figures in recent Corps history.  These memoirs lend important perspective to decision-making, now and in the …Read More

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EP 870-1-64 Guides to Environmental Research Environmental Cleanup at Former and Current Military Sites A Guide to Research

Foreword:  In the past, ordnance, explosives, and chemical warfare materials often created environmental hazards at former and current military sites.  When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was tasked to remove these hazards, the Corps immediately realized that it had …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

EP 870-1-63 Environmental Cleanup at Former and Current Military Sites A Guide to Research

Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General John W. Morris

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EP 870-1-62 Water Resources Hydraulics and Hydrology Interview with Alfred S Harrision

Preface: The United States Army Corps of Engineers significantly contributed to hydraulic and hydrologic engineering over the last two hundred years. Exploiting theory, innovation, and mechanical ingenuity, Corps civilian and military engineers studied the behavior of rivers and the motion …Read More

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EP 870-1-61 Water Resources People and Issues Interview with Theodore M Shad

Preface: Among the leaders in federal water resources planning in the decades following World War II, few have exerted more influence than Theodore Schad. He began his career with the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. Later, Schad …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

EP 870-1-60 Water ResourcesHydraulics and Hydrology with Margaret S Petersen

Preface: The United States Army Corps of Engineers significantly contributed to hydraulic and hydrologic engineering over the last two hundred years. Exploiting theory, innovation, and mechanical ingenuity, Corps civilian and military engineers studied the behavior of rivers and the motion …Read More

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EP 870-1-6 Engineers of Independence Documentary History of the Army Engineers in the American Revolution 1775-1783

Foreword: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers traces its origins to the earliest moments of our existence as a nation. Soon after assuming command of the Continental Army in July 1775, General George Washington  acknowledged the critical shortage of officers …Read More

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EP 870-1-59 Engineer Memoirs Lieutenant General Carroll H Dunn

Foreword: This is the eleventh publication in the Engineer Memoirs series of career interviews. The series contains the selected recollections of major figures in recent Corps history. These memoirs lend important perspective to decision making, now and in the future. …Read More

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EP 870-1-58 CMH Pub 70-59After Desert Storm The US Army and the Reconstruction of Kuwait

Foreword: One of the most striking features of Operation DESERT STORM’s aftermath was the facility with which American soldiers transitioned from offensive warfare to humanitarian relief. Throughout history our soldiers- and the civilians who accompany them-have been quick to assist …Read More

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EP 870-1-56 Water Resources Hydraulics and Hydrology – Jacob H. Douma

Preface: The United States Army Corps of Engineers significantly contributed to hydraulic and hydrologic engineering over the last two hundred years. Exploiting theory, innovation, and mechanical ingenuity, Corps civilian and military engineers studied the behavior of rivers and the motion …Read More

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EP 870-1-55 Vernon K. Hagen Water Resources Hydraulics and Hydrology

Preface: The United States Army Corps of Engineers significantly contributed to hydraulic and hydrologic engineering over the last two hundred years. Exploiting theory, innovation, and mechanical ingenuity, Corps civilian and military engineers studied the behavior of rivers and the motion …Read More

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