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EP 415-1-261 Vol 5 Quality Assurance Representatives Guide Ground Water Extraction Ground Water Treatment Landfills Soils Vapor Extraction Slurry Walls and Solidification Stabilization VOL 5

FOREWORD: This volume of the Quality Assurance Representative’s Guide addresses technologies which are used predominantly at hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste (HTRW) sites to contain or clean up contamination. The reason for this pamphlet’s existence and continuance is to provide …Read More

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EP_690-1-820 Exciting Careers in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Engineers is one of the largest, broadest and oldest engineering disciplines.  Mechanical Engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and mechanics to design and maintain water resources throughout the nation, numerous other Federal and local facilities, and …Read More

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EP_690-1-819 Exciting Careers in Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineers Electrical Engineering encompasses all applications of electricity using a variety of equipment to assist in designing and developing projects.  Electrical Engineers design new electronics, test equipment and solve problems.  USACE Electrical Engineers are influential in helping power infrastructures …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

EP_690-1-818 Exciting Careers in Civil Engineering

Civil Engineers USACE Civil Engineers plan, design, construct, and maintain the nation’s water resources, Army installations, and numerous other Federal and local projects.  Their mission areas extend around the globe whether nation-building or performing emergency reconstruction. We want Civil Engineers …Read More

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EP_690-1-817 Exciting Careers in Natural Resources Management

Natural Resources Management As the nation’s largest Federal provider of outdoor and water-based recreation, USACE provides employees with the opportunity to join a diverse team of skilled professionals who work every day to preserve, manage and improve nearly 12 million …Read More

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EP_690-1-816 Exciting Careers in Contracting

Contract Specialist Contract Specialist with USACE will be involved in awarding contracts and serving as decision-makers and key critical players in the planning and execution of Corps projects.  The National Contracting Organization represents the Corps in all contractual matter, and …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

EP_690-1-815 Exciting Careers in Water Resources

Water Resources: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is one of the world’s premier public engineering, design and construction management agencies.  USACE includes more than 37,000 dedicated civilians and over 550 soldiers who deliver timely and quality engineering, technical …Read More

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EP_690-1-814 Exciting Careers in Real Estate

Exciting Careers in Real Estate: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is one of the world’s premier public engineering, design and construction management agencies.  USACE includes more than 37,000 dedicated civilians and over 550 soldiers who deliver timely and …Read More

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EP 870-1-8 Engineer Memoirs Lieutenant General Walter K Wilson Jr

Foreword: Few retired officers or civilians of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ever set down a summary of their careers with the intention of sharing their acquired knowledge with others.  As a result, our organization and the engineering profession …Read More

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EP 870-1-72 CMH Pub 45-2 Brick Sand and Marble US Army Corps of Engineers Construction in the Mediterranern and Middle East 1947 1991

Foreword: For more than four decades after the end of World War II in 1945, the security interests of the United States focused on tensions with the Soviet Union. The contest, which became known in 1948 as the Cold War, …Read More

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EP 870-1-70 Situation Desperate US Army Engineer Disaster Relief Operations Origins to 1950

Foreword: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is best known for its water resource development and military construction missions, but its emergency response work is a vital endeavor that has grown in importance and visibility in the wake of the …Read More

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EP 870-1-7

Engineer Historical Studies Explorer on the Northern Plains : Lieutenant Gouverneur K. Warren’s Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, in the Years 1855 – ’55 -’57 FOREWORD: This is the second publication in the new series of Corps …Read More

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