Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Here is a list of every post written by Mark Dail

Rapid Recovery Checklist

This is a Rapid Recovery Checklist. It covers checks for Vehicles cleaned out and re-packed to go back on mission (Class I, II, IV, V), Sensitive Items accounted for by serial number, Trucks topped off including fuel cans, After mission …Read More

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USMC Range Safety Pocket Guide

This portable guide provides references to MCO 3570.1B and DA PAM 385-63. It is not intended for use as a sole source of information for the MCO 3570.1B and/or DA PAM 385-63. For further information, consult the full versions of …Read More

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Qualitative Management Program (QMP)

The information provided is for soldiers seeking legal assistance to appeal a DA-Imposed Bar to Reenlistment Under the Qualitative Management Program (QMP), pursuant to AR 601-280. Even though you may have a bar imposed by your immediate commanders, a Department …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Promotion Verbiage Memo Examples

This is two examples of Promotion Verbiage memo examples. They can be use to help write a memo regarding someones promotion NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Promotions Boards Frequently Asked Questions

This is a Word format Promotions Boards Frequently Asked Questions document Areas covered are as Follows: General Board Questions Colonel Command Assignment Selection Board (CCASB) Questions Position Vacancy Boards (PVB) Questions Enlisted Promotion Board Questions Officer Promotion Board Questions TPU …Read More

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U.S. Army Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training Implementation Guide

This is a U.S. Army Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training Implementation Guide. Few other professions require the physical fitness levels that are expected of US Army Soldiers. Being in the military service, pregnant Soldiers are expected to meet strenuous physical …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Policy Memoranda and References and FOIA – Lists of References, Lists of Directive Type Memoranda and Lists of PDES Policy

This is a document that gives lists of references, lists of directive type memoranda and lists of PDES policy memoranda along with links to examples of some of these memoranda and references material on the web. Contents: FOIA/Privacy Act Requests …Read More

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Physical Disability Agency Fact Sheet

The United States Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA) manages the Army’s Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) and acts on behalf of the Secretary of the Army. The PDES is used to determine the fitness and applicable disability benefits of Soldiers …Read More

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Department of the Army Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG) Guide

This Guide provides personnel policy guidance to Major Commands, Installation Commanders, Power Projection Platforms, Power Support Platforms, and Personnel Support Centers pertaining to military (Active and Reserve) and Civilian (DA/DoD, Red Cross, AAFES, and Contractors) personnel who are activated, mobilized, …Read More

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Operations Company Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion Award Routing Slip

This is an Operations Company Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion Award Routing Slip that can be printed and/or electronically filled out and used to Route the Award Slip. NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated, …Read More

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Officer Evaluation Record (OER) System Class

This is a class that teaches the purpose, requirements and flow of the Officer Evaluation Record (OER) System, and to provide junior officers information on the Officer Evaluation Reporting System (OERS). Class outline: Rating Chains Evaluation Process OER Support Form …Read More

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Reduction in Grade/Rank Memorandum Example

This is an example of a Notification of Intent for Reduction in Grade/Rank memorandum that can be used to help ensure that you have the proper format and information included if you need to write a Notification of Intent for …Read More

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