Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Army Heritage and Traditions Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that discuss Army heritage. Topics include: Citizen Soldier, Soldier Responsibilities, Becoming a Soldier, Oath of Enlistment, Army Ethic, Core Values, Hand Salute and more. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Army Heritage and Traditions Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that discuss Army heritage. Topics include: Citizen Soldier, Soldier Responsibilities, Becoming a Soldier, Oath of Enlistment, Army Ethic, Core Values, Hand Salute and more. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Army Emergency Relief Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers Army Emergency Relief. It was incorporated in February 1942 for the purpose of collecting and holding funds to relieve the distress of members of the Army and their dependents. This covers the aspects of the fund and …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Army Community Service Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers Army Community Service BOSS Community Life. It covers the structure, development support, financial readiness, relocation assistance, employment assistance, family advocacy, family advocacy program model, reporting abuse, exceptional family member program, Boss, community life, and special projects. NOTE: …Read More

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Army Awards Program Class/Briefing

Class/briefing prepared by the Soldier Support Institute and taught at the AG Officer Basic Course this course provides information on: Goals and Objectives of the Awards program, Award policies, Order of Precedence, Individual Awards, and Award Submission. NOTE: This document …Read More

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Armor Corps Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that is for the Armored corps. It is designed to familiarize the soldier with armor units. It teaches that the mission of Armor is to close with and destroy the enemy using fire, maneuver, shock effect and other facts …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Area Zone Reconnaissance Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 9 Slides on Area Zone Reconnaissance. Topic include, METT-T Analysis, Critical tasks, organization, control measures, conduct recon. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Antropine Injectors Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Self and Buddy Aid for nerve agent poisoning. 18 Slides. Slides include information on: Holding the Mark1, hand position, injection position, injection sites, where to put used injectors. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 42 Slides on Anti-terrorism Force Protection. Topics include: individual protective measures, routines, low profile, security, unexpected events, family protection, consideration for children, travel security. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Anti-Armor Class/Briefing

A class/briefing discussing Anti-Armor capabilities. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Anthrax Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Anthrax. Slides include: Definition, why is it a current issue, how common is it, who can get it, how transmitted, symptoms, where usually found, spread person to person, prevention, vaccine, reactions to vaccine, diagnosed, treatment, sources of information. …Read More

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Anthrax Class/Briefing

Class/briefing on Anthrax. Slides include: Definition, why is it a current issue, how common is it, who can get it, how transmitted, symptoms, where usually found, spread person to person, prevention, vaccine, reactions to vaccine, diagnosed, treatment, sources of information. …Read More

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