John Perry | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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My EPS selection letter is signed, when will my promotion orders be cut?

How long does it usually take from signing an EPS selection letter until promotion orders are cut in the National Guard? I know it probably depends on the state, but a general timeframe would be helpful... Read the Answer»

Can I be rated by people who are not in my official rating chain?

I received an NCOER and the raters were individuals that were never in my rating chain. I have spent 21 years in the USAR and all my reports have bordered on excellence except for this one. I had a negative personal history with both of my chosen raters. Again, these raters were never assigned to be my raters. I had left the unit and the report was extremely late. They said that my (real) raters had also left the unit. I am very upset and don't know what to do at this point. Your assistance will be much appreciated. The report has still not hit the system as of yet and I am refusing to sign it based on the fact that the rater and senior raters were never my official raters... Read the Answer»