DA Senior Enlisted Selection Board Myths and Facts | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

DA Senior Enlisted Selection Board Myths and Facts

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The following is a list of some very common Myths concerning the Centralized Selection Board


It is recommended that you personally visit HRC to review your Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) because board members are told who came to Ft. Knox to review their records and who did not.


This is false. Board members are NOT told who did or did not visit HRC. They have much more critical information to review and many important tasks to accomplish. Also, it would be unfair to consider this type of information because the majority of the NCOs considered by a board do not have the opportunity to travel to Kentucky. Board members want NCOs to review their AMHRR and make sure it is accurate. They do not care or know how they accomplished it. Besides the electronic process eliminates any need to travel to HRC.


There are quotas that each board must meet for the various ethnic categories and for females. Such as, the board had to promote X number of Blacks, X number of Hispanics, and X number of females, etc.


This is false. The mission of each senior enlisted selection board is to select the best qualified NCOs for promotion in each MOS—period. Once the best qualified NCOs are identified based on the select objectives provided by DA, the board results are not changed. The board does NOT go back and move anyone up or down on the order of merit list based on ethnic or gender quotas. The mission of each board is outlined in the board’s Memorandum of Instruction (MOI) published by Department of the Army. The MOI is available for review along with the published selection list on the HRC web site (https://www.hrc.army.mil).



Board members only review the last five NCOERs in each file.


This is false. Board members are provided the Performance portion of the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) that contains all evaluation reports (NCOER/AER), training data, commendatory data, and any disciplinary data that was directed for file in the performance section. While the NCOERs in the current grade or the last five years probably carry the most weight, board members see all reports and may choose to view however many they want.



Board members talk to each other about the records while they vote on them.


This is false. Board members set specific voting standards within each panel before voting begins using the “Whole Soldier Concept.” Categories include performance, potential, assignments; military and civilian education; awards; APFT and height/weight; and disciplinary info. Once agreed to and approved by the Board President, these standards are used to vote each file independently under the “Blind Voting Concept.” This means each panel member votes each file against the standards he or she has agreed to and no discussion of records is allowed during this process.



You will not be considered by a selection board if you have a local flag in effect.


This is false. NCOs who have a suspension of favorable personnel action (FLAG) in effect are still eligible for consideration by senior enlisted selection boards. NCOs who are selected who may have a FLAG in effect are promoted only if the FLAG is favorably lifted.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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