Short Answer
Yes you can but it does not make sense
ATP 6-22.1 para 2-30. states: Counseling tied to a specific event should happen as closely to the event occurrence as possible. For performance or professional development counseling, subordinates may need a week or more to prepare or review specific documents and resources, including evaluation support forms or counseling records
Based on the situation you outlined it appears this may be motivated by emotion and or the leader was directed to conduct the counseling by senior leadership.
If the leader does counsel you they cannot backdate the counseling statement for January. Meaning the date you sign the document must be the date you were actually given the document and not the date of the actual incident.
The leader can counsel you this late in the game, there is nothing that prevents him from documenting it but given what you stated in your post the chain of command would most likely view the counseling statement as suspect and I believe most JAG offices would as well, that’s why it is important to tell your side of the story. Keep in mind UCMJ can be given for an event up to two years after the event without a counseling statement.
Items to Consider
You could consider disagreeing with the counseling and telling your side of the story
in the session closing box.
Related Posts
I would encourage you to read the following related post:
How do I tell my side of the story?
Can my leader give me a backdated counseling?