FM 3-11.9 Potential Military Chemical / Biological Agents and Compounds | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-11.9 Potential Military Chemical / Biological Agents and Compounds

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This publication provides a technical reference for chemical/biological (CB) agents and related compounds. The technical information furnished provides data that can be used to support operational assessments based on intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB). It provides commanders and staffs with general information and technical data concerning CB agents and other compounds of military interest such as toxic industrial chemicals (TIC). It explains the use; classification; and physical, chemical, and physiological properties of these agents and compounds. Users of this manual are nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC)/chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) staff officers, NBC noncommissioned officers (NCOs), staff weather officers (SWOs), NBC medical defense officers, medical readiness officers, medical intelligence officers, field medical treatment officers, and others involved in planning battlefield operations in an NBC environment.

NOTES: FM 3-11.9 is a joint publication and is also: MCRP 3-37.1B, NTRP 3-11.32, and AFTTP(I) 3-2.55


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