This FM is designed for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) responders who plan and conduct CBRN consequence management (CM) operations in domestic, foreign, or theater operational environments, to include military installations. DOD personnel responding to a CBRN incident may be responsible for CBRN CM and/or crisis planning and may be required to execute plans across the conflict spectrum. It provides a reference for planning, resourcing, and executing CBRN CM in support of domestic or foreign agencies responding to a CBRN incident. Specific tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) are included in the FM. It provide commanders, staffs, key agencies, and military members with a key reference for planning and conducting CBRN CM. It provides the tools for CBRN responders to effectively manage the consequences of a CBRN incident. It also may serve as a reference for development and refining of training and exercises, but shall not supersede Service policy.
NOTES: FM 3-11.21 is a joint publication and is also MCRP 3-37.2C, NTTP 3-11.24, and AFTTP (I) 3-2.37