AR 40-5 Medical Services Preventive Medicine | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 40-5 Medical Services Preventive Medicine

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

This regulation establishes practical measures for the preservation and promotion of health and the prevention of disease and injury. It establishes policies for preventive medicine. Defines preventive medicine and directs the establishment of preventive medicine programs and services. Assigns responsibilities for improving and sustaining health throughout the Army and across the spectrum of military operations, including joint and combined operations. Developing and implementing preventive medicine programs and services. Providing preventive medicine resources, services, and technical support. Providing preventive medicine guidance, strategy, doctrine, and oversight. Conducting comprehensive, coordinated military health surveillance activities to include medical surveillance and occupational and environmental health surveillance for Army personnel throughout their time in service. Identifying or developing military-unique OEH standards, criteria, and guidelines. Identifying, developing, and providing military-specific force health preparedness, protection, sustainment and recovery interventions and measures. Implementing Department of Defense Directives and Department of Defense Instructions.


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