91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Combat Trauma Treatment and Management Handbook | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Combat Trauma Treatment and Management Handbook

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Introduction to Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries (Introduction to Ballistic, Blast and Burn Injuries; Small arms, wounding agents, and their effects; Explosive munitions, wounding agents and their effects; Flame and incendiary munitions and their agents and effects; Medical Implications of Conventional weapons); Treat a Casualty with a Burn Injury (Mechanism of injury and eliminate the source of burn; Assess the severity of the burn; Manage the casualty with thermal burns; Manage the casualty with chemical burns; Manage the casualty with electrical burns; Manage the casualty with inhalation burns); Treat a Casualty with a Heat Injury (Recognize an environmental emergency; Identify and manage heat injuries; General assessment and prevention of heat illness; MOPP Gear); Treat a Casualty with a Cold Injury (Recognize an environmental Emergency; Perform general assessment and prevention of cold injuries; Perform specific assessment and management of cold injuries); Treat a Casualty with Ocular Injury (Assess and provide emergency medical care for an injury to the eye; Treatment steps for an ocular impalement); Treat a Casualty with a Head Injury (Assess and identify the severity of the head injury; Assess and provide emergency medical care fro traumatic facial injury; Identify specific head injuries); Treat a Casualty with a Spine Injury (Identify immobilization devices; Identify and treat injuries to the spine; Identify injuries to the neck; Spinal immobilization using backboards); Treat a Casualty with a Musculoskeletal Injury (Assess the musculoskeletal injury; Provide emergency care for extremity injuries; Treat specific joint injury; Principles of splinting); Treat a Casualty with a Abdominal Injury  (Determine mechanism of injury; Provide emergency care for an abdominal injury); Treat a Casualty Chest Injury (Review of the thorax, mechanism of injury, and general assess of thoracic trauma; Identify major, immediate life-threatening thoracic injuries; Identify potential life-threatening thoracic injuries; Identify other chest injuries); Appendix A – Treat a Casualty with a Spine Injury, Competency Skill Sheets; Appendix B – Treat a Casualty with a Chest Injury, Competency Skill Sheets

NOTE: This document is in PDF format : Chapter heading are bold, subsections of chapter are in (parentheses).


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