ER 1110-2-1806 Earthquake Design and Evaluation of Civil Works Projects | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 1110-2-1806 Earthquake Design and Evaluation of Civil Works Projects

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Purpose: This regulation provides guidance and direction for the seismic design and evaluation for all civil works projects.


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  • K. Kaltenbach


    There is an update to ER 1110-2-1806 which supposedly came out DEC 2013…..but I cannot find it on USACE publications website or other Army Pubs sites….any recommendations?

    • Mark Gerecht


      I did a quick check found nothing. I went out to some of our civilian engineers that contract with the US Govt, they got a big GOOSE EGG as well. However it appears someone got some type of hit with a date of 2013. Not sure if they were dreaming or not but I will double check with them and if we actually find it I will pass it on to you. If you find the update please pass it on to me so we can update the Arms Room. We are always looking for stuff to add that will make people’s lives easier. Please help us out. If you don’t mind spread the word about ASKTOP.NET, like us on FACEBOOK, follow us on TWITTER….Sorry for the PLUG. We will be doing some updates the ARMS ROOM this summer so hopefully we will have an update.

      Last but not least if you have something you think should be on the site….Please send it to us! We will even give you credit and put your name in LIGHTS so to speak

      Mark Gerecht
      I sincerely hope I can find this updated pub thru our network!

  • Shi Yongchao


    I want download “ER 1110-2-1806″ file.

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