EP 690-1-11 RP Mission Area Supplement – Recreation and Park Management | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 690-1-11 RP Mission Area Supplement – Recreation and Park Management

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Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials MISSION AREA SUPPLEMENT – RECREATION AND PARK MANAGEMENT

The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the stewardship of 11.7 million acres of federal land and water located at more than 460 water resources projects in 43 states.  On site of these projects are more than 4300 recreation areas that attract Americans to make approximately 414 million visits each year.  The $9 billion spent by visitors at Corps projects has generated more than 600,000 full or part-time jobs resulting in $11 billion of income in the United States.

While most federal lands that provide public recreation opportunities are either located in the West or are remote from major population centers, most Corps projects are in locations which are convenient to the public.


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