EP 1110-2-8 Explaining Flood Risk | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 1110-2-8 Explaining Flood Risk

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

FOREWORD: Floods are the most frequent natural disaster in the United States and cause large losses of life and property. The problem is worsening as population growth and urbanization outpace implementation of flood loss reduction measures. A key reason for the failure to take action on flood problems often is a lack of understanding of the nature and extent of the flood risk on the part of local officials and the general public in threatened areas. This booklet aims at improving the technical expert’s skills in communicating information about flood risk to local officials and the public. It discusses the most important concepts and techniques of effective communication and points out problems that can impede understanding. It also provides suggestions for dealing with the media.


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