Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) Tutorial Class | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) Tutorial Class

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This ERB tutorial is designed to help you understand the different sections of the ERB, it covers the following primary areas with detailed descriptions of what is included under and the meaning of each part under each heading:

  • Name, Rank – DOR (Rank – Date of Rank), PMOS (Primary Military Occupational Specialty), SSN (Social Security Numbers), Component
  • Assignment Information
  • Service Data
  • Personal Family Data
  • Foreign Language
  • Military Education
  • Civilian Education
  • Technical Certification
  • Awards And Decorations
  • Assignment Information

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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  • Frank Rocha


    I have a question I have been having difficulty getting answered with anything concrete.

    I have been awarded the Armed Forces Reserve Medal (AFRM) both for longevity and Mobilization. They are both worn on the same ribbon using devices to indicate each subsequent award of each, however on the Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) they are listed separately with the Codes AFRM and AFRMM respectively.

    The guidance I have received so far has not included anything concrete to support either of the 2 positions on whether to list both AFRM and AFRMM both on the ERB or just the AFRMM.

    One position indicates that if you are awarded both then only the AFRMM can be listed and the AFRM is left off. The other position follows my thoughts in that both are listed, hence the reason they have separate codes.

    Do you have any guidance you might impart?

    • SSG Ahearn, Aaron M.


      There are three items which can be worn on the AFRM, two of which are denoted by the AFRMM indicator on your EBR which is telling you that you have mobilized and is indicated with the “M” device worn on the far right of the ribbon as the wearer looks down at his or her ribbon bar. Next to the AFRMM should be a number which would indicate the number of mobilizations and this number is warn on the ribbon on the far left as the wearer looks down at his or her ribbon bar. Remember that the numbers which are worn start with “2” indicating second deplyment, other wise the ribbon itself is the indicator of one deployment. The third device which can be worn is the “hour glass” and depending on the amount of years you have completed in the reserves. The first is bronze for ten years, the second is silver for 20 years, and the third is gold for 30 years. This device is worn in the center of the ribbon. I have as of yet to find where it is denoted on the EBR the award of the “hour glass” device. The only place I have proof of being awarded it is on the DD214 I received after coming back from Afghanistan. AS for the AFRM on the EBR, it just indicates the first award which is sort of overkill as the AFRMM sort of takes care of that! I hope this was helpful.

  • SSG Johnson, Brian R


    Good Afternoon,

    I am currently serving as an Executive Admin assistant. The position has an asi of E3. I do not have this asi. I am wondering does the asi go on my NOCER in the Duty MOSC box and what about on the bottom of my ERB in the ASI block of a Assignment Information?

    Thank you for the help. Have a wonderful day.

    • Mark Gerecht


      SSG Johnson,
      Based on the information in AR 623-3, I would say yes the ASI goes on your NCOER. With regard to your ERB I do not believe it should go there as that would in my opinion only be entered if you were school trained. You may have the option to submit for the ASI for serving in the position and doing the job to standard as On the Job Training (OJT) but you will need to check with the school that teaches the ASI and see how to go about obtaining credit for the specific ASI. I know AR 350-1 provides the option for obtaining Professional Development Course Credit so you should be able to do the same thing for the ASI.

      Here is an Extract of AR 623-3 that states the ASI will be part of the NCOER
      NCOER part III:
      block b—Duty MOSC
      Action required:
      Enter duty military occupational specialty code (MOSC) (at least five characters but no more than nine). If ASI and/or
      language skill identifier are required, the duty MOSC will be either seven or nine characters; if the position does not require
      ASI or language skill identifier only five characters will be used. In cases where the rated NCO is filling an officer position, enter the enli
      sted MOSC that best matches the officer position.
      Reference: None

      Did you find this information useful? We appreciate your feedback!
      Hope this helps.

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