OPR, EPR, and PRF Writing Guide | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

OPR, EPR, and PRF Writing Guide

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Documents such as officer performance reports (OPR), enlisted performance reports (EPR), and promotion recommendation forms (PRF) are used in promotion boards, professional military education (PME) selections, selective early retirement boards (SERB), reductions in force (RIF), command and special duty selections, and courts martial. Equally as important is their use by commanders when looking to fill a position, selecting candidates for promotion, rank-ordering individuals for boards and other personnel actions. How well the report communicates the military member’s performance is pivotal in deciding his/her future. The reports also represent and communicate the Wing mission to all other agencies who view them. Clear, concise, meaningful writing is the goal. This writing guide provide you with the tools you need to write a good performance report (PR)—one that accurately reflects the quality of the individual. Read this guide and use the tools — if you see a way to make it better, please let your PR monitor or your group executive officer know!

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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