Tag Personnel Procurement | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Personnel Procurement

Here is a list of everything we have published about Personnel Procurement

AR 601-50 Appointment of Temporary Officers in the Army of the United States Upon Mobilization

This regulation governs the appointment of temporary commissioned officers in the Army of the United States for immediate active duty. It is to be used only when Reserve and Regular Army procurement programs are unable to provide the numbers and …Read More

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AR 601-337 The Army General’s Honors Program

This regulation tells you how to apply for the Army General Counsel’s Honors Program. It clarifies the criteria to be used in determining the grade and date of rank of successful applicants.

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AR 601-280 Army Retention Program

This regulation prescribes the criteria for the Army Retention Program. For those soldiers serving in the active Army, it outlines procedures for immediate reenlistment or extension of enlistment. For soldiers separating from the Active Army, it prescribes eligibility criteria and …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 601-270 Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)

This regulation covers military entrance processing station operational policies, programs, and procedures. It governing personnel enlisting in the military and the processing of Selective Service registrants.

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AR 601-25 Delay in Reporting for and Exemption from Active Duty, Initial Active Duty for Training, and Reserve Forces Duty

This regulation covers policies and procedures for requesting and granting delays and exemptions of certain categories of officers and enlisted personnel. It covers policies and procedures for requesting and granting delays and exemptions for reporting for active duty and Reserve …Read More

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AR 601-222 Armed Services Military Personnel Accession Testing Programs

This regulation sets policy and responsibilities on DoD enlistment, student, in-Service and Overseas Testing Programs, for the Active and Reserve Components of the military Services. It implements Military Personnel Accession Testing Programs, governing use of a common aptitude test, the …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 601-210 Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Program

This regulation governs eligibility criteria, policies, and procedures for enlistment and processing of persons into the Regular Army, the Army Reserve, and Army National Guard for enlistment on or after the effective date of this regulation. It also prescribes the …Read More

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AR 601-208 The Army Brand and Marketing Program

This regulation prescribes responsibilities, objectives, and policies for the U.S. Army’s Branding and Marketing Program to recruit Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve, and Department of the Army Civilians; it also addresses influencers who support and encourage potential recruits for service …Read More

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AR 601-20 The Interservice Physician Assistant Training Program

This regulation provides the application process for the Interservice Physician Assistant Training Program and solicits applications from Active Army (Army enlisted, commissioned officers, warrant officers), Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets, and other Service members.

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AR 601-2 Army Promotional Recruiting Support Programs

This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the conduct of the Total Army Involvement in Recruiting Program; General Officer Sponsor Program; Educator/Centers of Influence Tour Program; Centers of Influence Events; Delayed Entry Program/Delayed Training Program functions; Operation Sergeant Major of …Read More

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AR 601-142 Army Medical Department Professional Filler System

This regulation assigns responsibilities and provides Department of the Army policy and procedures for managing the Army Medical Department Professional Filler System. This system designates qualified Active Army AMEDD personnel in table of distribution and allowances units to fill modified …Read More

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AR 601-141 U.S. Army Health Professions Scholarship, Financial Assistance, and Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Programs

This regulation sets policies and procedures for implementing the Army portion of the F. Edward Hebert Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program and the Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program. It prescribes program eligibility, entitlements, obligation, …Read More

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