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Are Army Correspondence Courses still eligible for promotion points?

I have over 1,000 hours of Army Correspondence Courses. Will they still count under the new system?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Fortunately, they will still earn promotion points. However, you must complete the entire correspondence course and possess a certificate of completion in order to get the points. Sub-courses on their own will not count for promotion points. I suggest you take a look at your course history on the ATIA website to see how many full courses you have actually completed and determine how many points you will have under the new ststem.

The ATIA website’s address is

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MacArthur D. "Mackie" Ocampo is an Active Duty First Sergeant and has served in the Army for 15 years to date with 9 years of service as a Human Resources Specialist. Currently, he serves as the First Sergeant for Hammer Company, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 2d Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Mackie has served in Korea, Ft. Carson, CO, Schofield Barracks, HI, twice in Afghanistan, and twice in Iraq accumulating over 59 months of overseas service. He believes that the "personnel" aspect of a Soldier's career is a big factor in their morale and readiness and is determined to assist Soldiers in their professional development by providing sound advice and clarification of ongoing policies, regulations, and procedures.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

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  • Eric Alexander


    Hello everyone,

    What is the formal procedure or forms that need to be completed to properly turn-in correspondence course certificates?

    Also, if I completed correspondence courses in prior years (i.e., 2009), but did not turn them in, can I turn them in now and get credit?



    • Mackie


      Whoa we definitely missed this one! Please accept my sincerest apologies. I hope you have found the answer but just in case…

      There is no requirement to turn-in correspondence course certificates. Once you complete the course, it automatically transfers to your PPW. If you are missing courses from your PPW such as those you completed in 2009, then print hte certificates off along with your correspondence course history and bring them to your S1 to get them added.

  • P


    Will an A.S. and a B.S. degree start me off as an E-4? How long would it take to promote to Sgt if I do everything right? I’m thinking of 42A (human resource) or 27D (paralegal). I really want to do my online courses for a masters degree in business with serving active. Will this be possible?

    • Preston


      I’m sure one of the SMEs will come up with some information for you, but I just wanted to chime in… Have you considered talking with an officer recruiter? It may be a good route for you if you already have a degree. It never hurts to consider all of your options.

    • Mackie


      With a bachelor’s degree, you will enlist as a SPC/E4. Promotion to SGT at the minimum takes 17 months time in service and 5 months time in grade provided you meet the cut-off score for that MOS.

      Like Preston mentioned, you should consider talking to an Officer recruiter and perhaps going that route. But if you would like to simply enlist and take the NCO route, then go for it. I’ve seen many Soldiers with degrees enter as enlisted Soldiers or stayed enlisted when they finished their degrees, I’m one of them. The bottomline is you must consider all options available and weigh your priorities. Just make sure you do what you want to do.



    Greetings from Afghanistan,
    I currently have 250 credit hours from the 1000 I had due to the new system change. 250 credit hours gave me 50 points. What is the max we can have in the correspondence courses as of Jan 01 2012? Also can you post the link.

    Ty SGT Rod

  • Amanda


    With the new system, a soldier is awarded 78 points for correspondence courses. Does that mean you still have to do the 1,000 hours or has it been reduced as well?

    Thank you

    • Mackie



      Since Soldiers earn 1 promotion point per 5 hours of correspondence courses (full courses) completed, you will need to complete at least 390 hours to attain 78 points.

  • tbohlen


    It seems like my points have been stuck at 798 for a long time. The current MOS that I am in ( 91B ) has been over staffed. So far I’ve seen two changes towards the military education point system, and both are not soldier friendly. My suggestion to all those who want to get promoted is focus on civilian education. In my opinion civilian education should be worth more than military, but who asked me.

    BTW with the new point system it was supposed to make is easier for people to get promoted or not ? I’m not really sure ? All I know is SGT’s in other MOS’s are out ranking me .. and I knew them as PFC’s and SPC’s .. something is out of whack.

  • SPC Alcantara


    Check this site out

  • SPC Alcantara


    So 78 is max for ACCP correct? And also goes for ATRRS tight of 78? Check this like out, it states the new promotion system that splits 78 points for ACCP courses and 78 points for ATRRS course? Is that either or? Or in combination with both?

  • Mackie


    Arielle thanks for the suggestion!

    PFC Lawson, I recommend Arielle’s suggestion as well. The bottomline though is that all courses should count. It’s just a matter of the length of the courses and how many points you will get for each one. Just remember, you must complete the entire course in order to garner promotion points and 5 hours = 1 promotion point.

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