Introducing 1SG Gamio | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Introducing 1SG Gamio

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We’d like to take a moment to welcome 1SG Gamio to our panel of subject matter experts. He runs a site of his own called Chemical Dragon which provides free resources available to Soldier’s like you. As part of his introduction to the team, we asked 1SG Gamio to tell him a little about himself.

1. 1SG Gamio, Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am from Los Angeles, California. I enlisted in the Army in October 1995, as a Chemical Operations Specialist.

2. We noticed you have a website called can you tell us a little bit about that site and its purpose?

I am the sole editor and starter of website. I started it while I was stationed in Korea, six years ago. I initially started it as a study group page for the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. I was in charge of the battalion SAMC study group, but was getting ready to PCS soon. In order to keep the information updated and relevant, I decided to start the webpage. From there I started adding products from my time in different positions in Army. The purpose was to share information and tools that has made me successful throughout the years and make it readily available.

3. Can you tell us something about your most memorable leadership experience while in the Army?

My most memorable leadership experience was from my first deployment to Iraq. I had an amazing group of Soldiers while I was the Platoon Sergeant for the Battalion’s Personal Security Detachment. During that time we conducted over 200 combat missions.

My platoon was also landowners and directly assisted three separate villages. We helped with water supply, schools, and any issues they may have had. It was very satisfying to see your direct actions helping so many needy people.

4. What skills do you bring to the Subject Matter Expert (SME) panel?

I bring my vast knowledge of running CBRN Rooms. I was an instructor as the US Chemical Corps school, where I help start and instruct the first CBRN Room operations lesson plan for IET Soldiers. I have been assigned to every echelon of CBRN Room operations from Company to Army level. I have also been on the 1ID IG Inspection team, tasked with inspecting all CBRN Rooms on Fort Riley.

5. What are you hoping to achieve as part of the SME panel?

I hope to just make our Soldiers and Leaders stronger and more proficient in CBRN operations and provide my mentorship to whoever is in need.

6. At we focus on Mentoring Soldiers/Leaders, can you share with us the most memorable Mentoring session you received from a senior leader and how it helped you grow as a leader?

This was during my last tour in Korea, six years ago. I was working directly for the 8th Army Chemical SGM. I had just come from serving as a Platoon Sergeant and some First Sergeant time as a senior SFC. I felt very confident in my knowledge and work ethic. I was put in a MSG position where the SGM challenged my knowledge and my physical stamina like it had never been before. I had someone who worked harder than me, someone who always went the extra mile, and someone who had better attention to detail than me. No one ever “red marked” my paperwork more than him. He made me read regulations that I thought I knew. I knew I could not ever slack on anything. He always treated me with dignity and respect, but corrected me with tact and questioning techniques.

I took his challenge and gave me the room to grow and perform above his high standards by the time I left. It brought me to a different level of professionalism and commitment to an organization and leaders.

7. What is the most significant leadership lesson learned of your military career?

Treat every Soldier like your little brother or little sister. For example, if your brother was going to the qualification range, would you go support or help him? If your sister failed her APFT, would you invest the time to help her pass? The answer should be, yes. Be firm and fair across the board…no matter the rank.

8. Is there anything specific you would like to share with our readers?

It is an honor to be brought into this All-Star team of SMEs. I am here to provide mentorship to all ranks and MOSs. I look forward to interacting with our future leaders.

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Matt is a graphic designer, and helps manage AskTOP to keep things running smoothly. Matt can't answer any questions about the Army, but if you have a technical question about the site, or are having difficulties using the site, direct your questions to him at:

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Disclaimer: Though all content posted on is reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts, you should not make decisions based solely on the information contained in this post. Use information from multiple sources when making important professional decisions. This is not an official government website.


  • Tjb2555


    1sg Gamio,
    If i am going to the leadership board at any ALC what kind of questions could I expect? I see you are the 1sg for an ALC and figure you are the best to answer this question for me.

    • Nelson Gamio


      TJ, that is great question. Most NCOs do not know about the Leadership Award or the process. It is similar to most promotion boards, but selection for attendance is different. Here is what the process looks like.
      First, you must me eligible to attend the board. Which requires all first time “GOs” on all exams and APFT. No negative counselings during throughout the course.

      Next you must be selected by your peers in your Small Group to represent your Small Group during the board. Soldiers generally select NCOs who have help contribute to the team. It is usually the NCO who has gone beyond the call of duty to assist their classmates. A Leader, amongst Leaders.

      Finally, it begins to look and feel like your normal promotion board. There is a panel of NCOs consisting of the Course First Sergeant and Small Group Leaders. The uniform will be ASUs and they will ask Leadership scenario based questions. For example, you have a Soldier who failed his/her APFT, what actions must you take as an NCO? All the voting members will place their vote. The majority vote wins the Distinction of the Leadership Award.

      I hope this helps. I wish you luck in your Advanced Leader Course. Continue to strive for excellence while preparing and during the course. Feel to ask any more questions about ALC.

      Did you find this information useful? We appreciate your feedback
      1SG Gamio



    I have been using this website for years I just gave a MK19 Powerpoint class using the chemical dragon version. Glad your over here now 1SG, the Asktop forums are very informative and cover a wide range of issues.

    • 1SG Gamio


      SGT Nick, thank you for the welcome to the forums. You now have a direct link to me and products I can provide you to continue to be successful. Don’t hesitate. Thank you.

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