What regulation governs special population or remedial PT? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

What regulation governs special population or remedial PT?

Is there a regulation that governs the frequency of special population/remedial PT? I can't find it anywhere.

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Commander’s Program

There is nothing that governs frequency it is a commanders program. If the program is not operating properly you should consider putting together a good solution and present it to the chain of command.  Most unit struggle with running a good Remedial PT program.  If you provide a good solution the command may take your idea or even put you in charge of it.  Special PT should be designed for the individual and the challenge they must overcome.


AR 350-1 Appendix G d(5) states:

(5) Special physical readiness programs will be developed according to FM 7–22 and kept separate and distinct from the Army Body Composition Program, except for the exercise programs prescribed to assist Soldiers with weight control problems. Commanders should avoid placing all Soldiers that exceed body composition standards or have physical readiness problems in the same category with the expectation that more exercise will automatically result in improved body composition. Special programs will be employed for Soldiers with physical readiness problems. Separate special programs or additional PRT is not always a solution to overcome identified weaknesses. Commanders are encouraged to place Soldiers with special physical readiness needs into the regular unit PRT program whenever possible. These programs will not be used to discipline Soldiers who may have attitude problems toward physical  exercise.

For more information on special PT see FM 7-22.  In many cases the command outlines special PT in a policy memo

Be the Solution!

If you bring the command a reasonable and well thought out solution more than likely they will implement it.  Be the change you want to inspire

Hope this helps

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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Disclaimer: Though all content posted on AskTOP.net is reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts, you should not make decisions based solely on the information contained in this post. Use information from multiple sources when making important professional decisions. This is not an official government website.


  • christopher sheridan


    What army regulation tells us about the sound level of a soldiers car radio? My NCO said it shouldnt be heard more than 50 feet away from your car, but i could not find the regulation stating so..

    • Cris


      There’s no army regulation in regards to music level, however if your Post have a blue book or post booklet, it will be located there. Other words it will be a Post policy signed by the Post Commander and Post CSM.

      • Mark Gerecht


        Your chain of command can give you a reasonable order with regard to the level of your music depending on the circumstances of the situation it could be a punishable offense. However these are usually handled with corrective training. Bottom-line keep your music at a reasonable level and there should be no issues.

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