What items are required for wear when taking a DA PHOTO? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

What items are required for wear when taking a DA PHOTO?

My DA Photo is coming. Am I required to wear a CSIB and my overseas bars? Or can I just display my ribbons, ranks, name, GAFPB, crest, and unit award?

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 AR 640-30 covers the requirements for taking a photograph.  Based on my understanding Soldiers are required to wear all permanent awards, decorations, combat and special badges/tabs.  Therefore I believe the answer would be “Yes” you are required to wear them for the Photo.  Here is an extract of the regulation.

Extract of AR 640-30 paragraph 7a

(3) Wear basic branch insignia, all permanently authorized awards, decorations, combat and special skill badges andtabs. If affiliated, regimental insignia will be worn. The shoulder sleeve insignia (patch) and distinctive unit insignia(crests) will be worn and are the only exceptions from the permanent rule. (In many cases Soldiers are assigned toDOD agencies, Joint activities, and other federal agencies, with some exceptions, that are not authorized one or both of these insignia items).

(4) Ensure that their uniforms and authorized permanent accessories, decorations, and insignia are worn per AR 670–1

I would also encourage you to seek guidance from a senior officer that you trust/respect and get them to look over your uniform prior to taking the photo.  If possible they should also accompany you when to you take the photo.  This person can be your second set of eyes to ensure you get a PERFECT photo.  It also allows you to take advantage of their experience.

To further assist you I have attached the regulation and provided a couple of links for your review below:

DA PHOTO Information from ARMY G-1

DAPMIS Photo Information:

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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