What are the Requirements for a Battlefield Promotions? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

What are the Requirements for a Battlefield Promotions?

Is there a new SOP for battlefield promotions? Also what exactly are the requirements for it? Finally do the special operations support elements have a different process for these things?

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Let’s look at your questions one at a time:

Is there a new SOP for battlefield promotions?

SOPs are produced locally (at the unit level) to supplement regulatory guidance and unit procedures not covered by regulatory guidance. Based on the information below it does appear there may be a local SOP at some level for Battlefield Promotions.

Also what exactly are the requirements for it?

Please see the information below

Do Special Operations Support Elements have a different process for these things?

I cannot address this specifically but I would imagine they would have to follow the SOP and regulation in place at the specific time in question


Chapter 11

Battlefield Promotions

11–1. Introduction

This chapter pertains to enlisted battlefield promotions. The enlisted battlefield promotion policy provides CDRs with an opportunity to accelerate and expeditiously promote courageous and extraordinary Soldiers, applicable to all Army components, who willingly and unhesitatingly accept and flawlessly perform at levels of increased responsibility on the battlefield. Battlefield promotions are predicated on extraordinary performance of duties while serving in combat or under combat conditions. Specified ASCCs, once authority is designated, in writing, by the DCS, G–1, will be established as a promotion authority for this provision within their specific geographic area of responsibility in support of specified campaigns. Specific eligibility criteria for enlisted battlefield promotions are set forth below.

11–2. General guidance

a. The Army will designate, in writing, authority to implement provisions of this chapter when deemed appropriate. The provisions of this chapter will only apply while specific, written authority exists. The specified ASCC CDR will serve as the promotion and order issuing authority.

b. Battlefield promotions will not be used in lieu of personal commendations and/or awards.

c. Specified ASCCs will receive battlefield promotion allocations (by enlisted grade) from the DCS, G–1 (DAPE–MPE–PD) on a quarterly basis. ASCCs will establish procedures within their respective area of responsibility to ensure enlisted battlefield promotions do not exceed the allotted allocations for each quarter. ASCCs authorized to promote Soldiers across more than one specified campaign will establish an internal means to further distribute allocations across campaigns such that the total number of battlefield promotions does not exceed the total allocations initially authorized. Unused promotion allocations will not carry over from one quarter to the next quarter.

d. The effective date of promotion will generally be within the designated quarter. When appropriate, the effective date of promotion may be designated, at the latest, the 1st day of the following quarter (that is, allocations for April through June 2013 can be approved with an effective date of 1 July 2013).

e. All promotion instruments will include the following statement: “This promotion is a result of extraordinary performance of duties while serving in combat or under combat conditions. No additional service remaining requirements are incurred as a result of this promotion.”

f. All promotion instruments for Soldiers promoted to SGT/SSG without BLC/ALC completion (as appropriate, per para 1–28e) will include the following statement: “Soldier is promoted contingent on completing the BLC/ALC (as appropriate). If the Soldier fails to successfully complete, fails to remain eligible for, is denied enrollment in, or does not attend his and/or her scheduled BLC class (through fault of the Soldier) within 270 days of redeployment, then the Soldier will be administratively reduced and must recompete for promotion.”

11–3. Eligibility criteria

a. Enlisted Soldiers, in the rank of SGT and below, (all Army components) assigned or attached to a unit serving in support of a specified campaign are eligible for an enlisted battlefield promotion to the next higher rank based on extraordinary performance of duty in combat operations.

b. The Soldier must not be Flagged under the provisions of AR 600–8–2. A Soldier, who under the circumstances, should be Flagged under AR 600–8–2, is also not eligible for a battlefield promotion.

c. All TIS and TIG requirements are otherwise set aside.

d. Soldiers do not incur additional service remaining requirements when promoted under the provisions of this chapter.

e. To qualify for posthumous promotion, a battlefield promotion must be approved prior to the date of a Soldier’s death.

f. Enlisted battlefield promotions (E2 through E4) are exempt from all existing waiver limits as outlined in chapter 2 of this regulation.

g. Component specific eligibility criteria established throughout this regulation apply, except as otherwise provided for below.

(1) For promotion to SGT and SSG, the extraordinary performance of duty must occur while serving in a position at the grade to which they are being recommended for promotion.

(2) Soldiers are eligible for only one battlefield promotion to a NCO rank. Soldiers earning a battlefield promotion to SGT, are ineligible for a battlefield promotion to SSG. Leaders must consider this when contemplating recommendation of a Soldier for promotion based on performance of duties while serving in combat or under combat conditions.

(3) A Soldier’s physical appearance before a promotion board is not authorized.

(4) Use of the DA Form 3355 is not authorized.

(5) CDRs will assess the Soldier’s qualities and qualifications, manner of performance, demonstrated integrity, moral standards, and demonstrated potential for greater responsibilities.

(6) Soldiers promoted to SGT/SSG under this chapter, who have not completed BLC/ALC (as appropriate), do not require a waiver. However, the promotion is contingent on completion of BLC/ALC (as appropriate), within the time frame established in paragraph 1–28e.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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