Let’s look at this from several perspectives.
What if You Change Your Mind About Reenlisting?
I have seen this numerous times. Soldiers decide they will ETS and decide not to go to the promotion board, schooling, etc. Then they reenlist and find themselves at a significant disadvantage. I guess the real question is when does your reenlistment window close. Is there a date that you are no longer eligible to reenlist?
Cancelling the School Slot
While this may be an option slots are usually tied to a name, so unit leadership can be resistant to changing or cancelling the school slot.
The only disadvantage that occurs is that this takes away valuable resources that could go to another Soldier and it reduces the time in which you could focus on ETSing.
Is cancelling possible? Yes. Is it the wise decision? Only you can answer that.
Only you can decides upon the course of action but I encourage you to think through the unintended consequences of such a decision especially if you end up staying in the Army.
Finally if you choose to approach the chain of command have your argument laid out in a professional and factual manner.
Hope this Helps!
Marko Zarkovic
It is my understanding that if I have attended an SLC course for a prior MOS, I am still considered SLC complete in my current MOS. Is this correct? Am I fully eligible for promotion?
Considering the aforementioned, if I attend recruiting school which is the SLC for 79R am I still considered PME complete in my MOS?
I appreciate your time and guidance in advance