My rater says my APFT is a requirement on my evaluation report…is this true? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

My rater says my APFT is a requirement on my evaluation report…is this true?

TOP I have a hot one for you! Does my APFT score have to be put on the NCOER?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

NO, There is no requirement to have your APFT score on your NCOER.  See DA PAM 623-3.  I have included an extract below.  The only requirement is pass/fail and a date.  Now with that stated it does not prevent the rater from putting your score on the NCOER, but it is not a requirement.

EXTRACT of DA PAM 623-3 Table 3–4

Table 3–4 Part IV – Performance Evaluation, Professionalism, Attributes, and Competencies DA Form 2166–9–1
DA Form 2166-9-1, part IV: block a—APFT Action required: In the space after the word “APFT” the rater will enter “PASS” or “FAIL” and the date (YYYYMMDD) of the most recent record APFT administered by the unit; it will be within the 12–month period prior to the “THRU” date of NCOER. However, the APFT date does not have to fall within the period covered by the NCOER. If the NCO was unable to participate in the most recent record APFT (for example, due to a profile or pregnancy), his or her status at that time will be documented appropriately. The APFT for Soldiers without profiles consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2–mile run.

— For Soldiers with permanent and temporary profiles who have been cleared to take an alternate APFT, enter “PASS” or “FAIL” for the alternate APFT as prescribed by health care personnel and the date of the APFT. The APFT may include an alternate authorized aerobic event (walk, bike, or swim). No comment about the rated Soldier’s profile is required.

— For Soldiers with permanent profiles whose profiles prohibit them from taking the APFT, the entry will be left blank and the rater will explain the reason it has been left blank. — Soldiers with temporary profiles at the time of the unit’s record APFT will enter “PROFILE” and the date (YYYYMMDD) the profile was awarded. The date of the profile must be within 12 months prior to the “THRU” date of the NCOER.

— Sample entries are “PASS 20150414,” “FAIL 20150507,” or “PROFILE 20150302.” APFT numerical scores will not be entered for a required date entry.

— The rater will address a “FAIL” entry for APFT in block c. Bullet comments for “FAIL” entries may include the reason(s) for failure and/or note any progress toward meeting physical fitness standards of AR 350–1.

— Make a comment on “PROFILE” entries only if the rated NCO’s ability to perform his or her assigned duties is affected.

— The rater will explain the absence of an APFT entry in block a. If the APFT has not been taken within 12 months of the “THRU” date of the NCOER the APFT data entry will be left blank and the rater will provide an explanation in the provided comments section. In accordance with AR 40–501, an APFT is not required for pregnant NCOs.

— For pregnant NCOs who have not taken the APFT within the last 12 months due to pregnancy, temporary profiles, and/or convalescent leave, the rater will enter the following statement within the comments section: “Exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 40–501.” Note. When using the Wizard application associated with the electronic form within the Evaluation Entry System, the APFT and height and weight statement will be combined.

— In accordance with AR 350–1, NCOs 55 years of age and older have the option of taking the three-event APFT or an alternate APFT, but they will not be considered as being on profile, unless a current profile exists.

— Additionally, NCOs 60 years of age and older have the option of not taking the APFT; however, they must maintain a personal physical fitness program approved by a physician and remain within compliance of height and weight standards of AR 600–9. If no APFT is taken, leave the APFT entry blank and make a comment addressing the blank APFT entry stating, “NCO exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 350–1.”Did you find this information useful?  We appreciate your feedback!

— Deployed units unable to administer the APFT due to mission or conditions will annotate NCOERs with the following statement: “NCO unable to take the APFT during this period due to deployment for combat operations/contingency operations.” In accordance with AR 350–1, upon return from deployment, NCOs will be administered a record APFT no earlier than 3 months for RA and 6 months for USAR and ARNG NCOs. Note. NCOs are not exempt from complying with height and weight requirements of AR 600–9.

— No comment pertaining to NCOs who meet Army minimum standards for APFT but fail to meet unit standards will be mentioned.

— NCOs who meet Army minimum standards for APFT but fail to meet unit standards will not be given rating of “DID NOT MEET STANDARDS” within block d. “PRESENCE” for physical fitness if such rating is based solely on the failure to meet unit APFT standards.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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    soldier who did not show up to APFT and no record of his APFT .how can i complete block c

  • aj


    i didn’t have a record for APFT up to my thru date due to physical condition I was on profile. I failed height and weight after a month of my thru date. Can they use that on my NCOER that is late?

    • Mark Gerecht


      See AR 623-3 and DA PAM 623-3. Only events that occur during the rating period can be entered on the evaluation report.

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