I see a lot of people doing bouncing and jumping exercises, should they be a staple of my routine? There is nothing wrong with doing these exercises every now and then, but a steady diet of them is asking for knee injuries over the long-term. You don’t need to do bouncing exercises to build cardio endurance, muscle endurance, and muscle strength. In fact, it is better not to do these types of exercises, but instead build up the muscles around the joints in your knees so when you do have to perform these exercises like jumping out of airplanes, or rappelling/fast roping out of a helicopter, your body is prepared. To see these exercises that will not only build up the muscles around your joints, but also minimize damage you will do them when you have to do high impact exercises, check out my book MAX Out the Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness Tests. Your knees will be glad you did!