To my knowledge, there is no regulatory guidance on this subject. Typically, once the counseling session is completed, the Soldier will immediately sign, or refuse to sign, the document. It is usually in your best interest to do so immediately.
If you disagree with a statement regarding a particular issue, you may place your comments in the session closing block. You may also make a statement in the session closing block explaining your delay: “I request 24 hours to prepare my rebuttal to this counseling statement.”
Any time you get a negative counseling, or your counseling statement has something that is incorrect or shady, you should add in your own comments before you sign it. Just because you sign a counseling statement does not mean you agree with it.
Whatever you do, try to keep your emotions under control and put some thought into what you write in the comments. After you sign it, you can take it to JAG or a trusted peer to get a second opinion.