How do I go about rescheduling my WLC, SLC, ALC class date? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

How do I go about rescheduling my WLC, SLC, ALC class date?

I am scheduled to report to ALC on March 9 2014. I am on 90 days of recovery from a torn Hamstring which was initiated 2 JAN 2014. Basically, I cannot take a PT test until April but it is a requirement for my ALC class that starts in March. How should I approach my 1SG with fact that I may not be able to attend. I am in a small unit and my supervisor is a civilian. Thanks for your feedback.

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Typically this is an easy process.  When I worked at HRC and Soldiers would contact us about these issues we would refer them to the schools branch (usually this was for TDY enroute on a PCS).  The school branch would document the issue and then reassign the Soldier to another class date.

If you are TDY and return to your unit there should be an OML.  If should be rather easy for your leadership to use the medical documentation to remove you from the OML and send the next person on the list.  Just make sure they reschedule you as soon as possible.

Another option is to contact the school house and explain your situation and ask them what actions are required for you to either attend with a profile or get rescheduled for the next class.

The last option might be that you can show up to school with a profile that allows you to take an alternate event.  This could be an issue because you need 90 days to practice the alternate event before you can take a record APFT.   See AR 350-1 for details about the APFT test and Schooling requirements.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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