How do I counsel a Soldier who’s wife has been arrested numerous times on post? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

How do I counsel a Soldier who’s wife has been arrested numerous times on post?

What type of counseling would you give a Soldier who's wife has been arrested numerous times on a military installation?

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The answer to this question depends on what she has been arrested for and what his involvement has been.

At a minimum you could construct a counseling statement for the Soldier and inform him that you are recommending to the commander that certain on-post privileges be removed. In some cases it is wise to ask that all privileges be removed with the exception of medical privileges and then certain restrictions could be placed on those privileges. For example:

“You are authorized to come on post for prearranged medical appointments but you must be escorted to and from these appointments by your spouse or other designated representative. While on post you are not authorized to use any other facility.”

Privileges that can be revoked are: MWR, PX, Commissary, and on-post driving just to mention a few. The revocation of privileges must be made by the commander who has authority to revoke these privileges. In this case it is probably the garrison commander.

If the Soldier has been involved in the misconduct he may be subject to punishment under UCMJ if he is found to be an accessory to the incident. He may also be held accountable for the actions of his dependents. I would encourage you to contact JAG regarding these types of issues. If you believe the Soldier is involved in any wrong doing you will have to read them their rights.  Talk to JAG before you speak to the Soldier if you have concerns regarding the Soldier’s involvement.

The bottom line is if she is causing problems on post and it can be documented, action should be taken to prevent future disruptions. Most of the luxuries we enjoy as part of military service or as a military dependent are privileges, not rights. Therefore many of these things can be taken away.

I would encourage you to speak with JAG and IG prior to making any final decisions.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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