How can I consolidate my dual military family to a single location? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

How can I consolidate my dual military family to a single location?

I am one half of a dual military marriage. I PCS'd right before my wife and I got married. She is currently located at a different post. We just found out that she is pregnant and her command is tracking it as well. Can I submit an application for compassionate reassignment? How can we get stationed together if I just PCS'd? I have only been at my new post for about a month. We both have exactly 2 years and 1 month left on our contracts.

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First, congratulations on getting married and the future birth of your child!

The possibility of a compassionate reassignment is unlikely as I do not believe this will be viewed as a compassionate reassignment issue. See AR 614-200 for details and definitions. Your issue is somewhat difficult but you do have several options:

  1. If your spouse is willing to PCS, her assignment manager may be willing to move her to your current location.
  2. You could remain at your current locations for at least one year and then both ask for an overseas assignment to get a joint assignment together.
  3. You may also be able to reenlist for station of choice which might be able to put you together.
  4. Keep in mind that before your spouse has the baby she can request separation from service under pregnancy. If she is unable to develop a family care plan after the baby arrives she can request separation under inability to obtain a family care plan. Both can be voluntary separations with honorable discharges. In both cases she could then leave the service and then move to your location.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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