Yes, The ACAP process and the MEB process are two separate processes.
The Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) kicks in when a Soldier is 1 year out from their ETS/Retirement/Separation. I presume this Soldier’s command had him start the ACAP process since he is now within a year of his contracted ETS date. Depending on the status of his MEB, he may be discharged before or after his contracted date. If his MEB is not concluded before his contractual ETS date, he will be extended until the results from his MEB/PEB process are complete. This is a benefit to the Soldier.
I am going to go on a limb and say, if the MEB finds him unfit for further service, he will be separated before his contractual ETS date since he has been in the MEB process for a year now, according to his wife. The Soldier can always speak to his PEBLO to find out the current status of his case.
Special Thanks to Doug Eckstein for his SME help in this matter.
On a separate note I don’t want to appear rude or unsensitive but I would encourage you to speak with you husband and see if he is willing to share more with you. This could potentially help in calming down your concerns. Just a thought!