Do flags under AR 600-8-2 block Soldiers from taking a Training Holiday? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Do flags under AR 600-8-2 block Soldiers from taking a Training Holiday?

Can a Soldier who is flagged be allowed to work on Training Holidays? Is this considered a favorable action that can be withdrawn with the initiation of the Flag?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Here is our take on the situation.

IAW AR 600-8-2, paragraph 3-1, a flag prohibits the following:

  • Appointment, reappointment, reenlistment or extension
  • Reasignment (some exceptions apply)
  • Appearance before a semi-centralized promotion board
  • Promotions in grade, lateral appointments, and frocking
  • Recommendations for, and receipt of, individual awards and decorations. (Exceptions per AR 600-8-22)
  • Attendance at military schools. (Exceptions with approval of DCS, G-3/5/7)
  • Unqualified resignation, retirement or discharge.
  • Advance or excess leave (exception to policy may be granted by commanders IAW AR 600-8-10)
  • Payment of enlistment bonus or selective reenlistment bonus.
  • Assumption of command.

Training holidays have nothing to do with a flag.  Training holidays are not a favorable personnel action.

Can they force a Soldier to work on a training holiday? 

Sure, but have to be careful it won’t be considered as punishment. If the Soldier is facing UCMJ from what ever caused the flag.

May the Soldier work on a training holiday of their own accord?

Sure, but that would be on the choice of the Soldier, having nothing to do with being flagged.


Unless the Soldier is on extra duty from UCMJ action or normally scheduled on a duty roster, the best course of action is to let that Soldier have the day off with everyone else for the Training Holiday


Things to Consider

I would encourage you to be careful how you approach this.  Be factual, calm, unemotional.  You might even want to call the IG and just check with them to make sure you have their read on this and that they are in agreement with you.  You can tell them you are not making a complaint at this time just seeking information so that you can discuss with you chain of command.  If the chain of command does not respond in a positive manner, then you can consider going to the IG or filing a complaint with JAG under Article 138.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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