Can the Chain of Command Require a Soldier to go to the Field without TA-50 | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can the Chain of Command Require a Soldier to go to the Field without TA-50

I'm on the reserves and one of SMs hasn't received any uniforms or TA 50. I'm in the reserves by the way. He's been in the unit several months and hasn't received any gear it's been brought up on multiple occasions that he still hasn't received anything. Now it's time to go to the field. And it's below freezing temps so I advised the SM not to attend because he hasn't been provided the equipment necessary to survive the weather conditions.

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This issue rest with the Chain of Command 1SG and/or Commander


BLUF: The problem with not showing up for drill is that the soldier will not be paid and he/she will receive an “unauthorized absence” or “U’s” which is not a good start for a new soldier.

If the soldier who submitted this request is in the new soldiers Chain of Command there are a couple of options. First is to bump it up the Chain of Command. Go NCO’s need to take care of your soldier.

Next, talk with the Supply Sergeant about the delay in the soldier’s uniforms and OCI.

After that, talk with the First Sergeant about the situation. The First Sergeant has the option of letting the soldier not attend drill. The First Sergeant will give the soldier an “excused absence”. The soldier is authorized to make up the drill at a later date.

Or, if the First Sergeant has a NCO remaining behind at the unit acting as a CQ or rear detachment NCO while the unit is in the field, the First Sergeant can allow the new soldier to remain behind with the CQ at the unit.

It is a requirement for soldiers going to the field to be in the proper uniform and be issued OCI.

Finally should the Soldier be forced to go to the field and an incident occurs as a result of the Soldier lacking the proper equipment the fault will rest with the Chain of Command.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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