Can my Leader ignore my profile or declare it invalid? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can my Leader ignore my profile or declare it invalid?

I have been on and off of profile for the last two years because of an injury to my groin area. When I was on profile (3 months or less) I was asked to partake in the APFT despite being injured. We are now deployed downrange and my injury is acting up again. Knowing that I was off from profile my chain of command told me to get a profile. The only hospital we have is run by Air Force personnel, the PA wrote me a 6 month profile and prescribed me medications. My 1SG says that the profile does NOT count because it's written by an AF Physicians Assistant.

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The profile is valid.  The 1SG is taking on a lot of risk by not recognizing it and forcing the Soldier to do PT.  The Soldier went to the military physician he was told to.  Think of the Joint Commands that are around the world.

Profiles are recommendations that the Commander can choose not to follow; however they take the risk of the Soldier being hurt.

In this situation, if the Soldier is being forced to violate the profile, I would suggest speaking with or emailing IG if the IG office is not where the Soldier is located.

You might find this Related Post useful:  Who can stop my leader from abusing me and ignoring my medical profile?

Special Thanks to ECK for this response!

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Joshua Wood


    This is no longer true. In fact only the Commander can view the paperwork, anyone else demanding to see it is violating HIPPA . Commander now receive PROFILES and Quarters in the Commanders MEDPROS Portal. Their signature is only an acknowledgement, they cannot legally order someone to violate it.

    • Mark Gerecht


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