Can my Chain of Command force me to stay on base during the week if I live in the barracks? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can my Chain of Command force me to stay on base during the week if I live in the barracks?

I am stationed overseas in Europe. I maintain a room in the barracks. Recently my chain of command stated I must stay in my room in the barracks. They stated I am not authorized to stay with my fiance off post. They have stated I can stay with her on weekends but not on weeknights. Can they make me stay in the barracks?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

 Short Answer

Since you are stationed Overseas the answer is “Yes”, as there can be some safety concerns associated with your situation.

Items to Consider

Now with that stated there are a couple of  issues to look at:

  1. Is there a curfew you that applies to all members of the unit living in the barracks?  If all the Soldiers have a curfew there is most likely not an issue.  If however you are the only individual on curfew you may have a valid concern.
  2. Are there specific safety issues regarding your local area?


  1.  If you believe this action is not fair you can contact the IG without providing any unit or personal information.  They can provide you the specifics regulations and reference to assist you in determining how best to proceed.
  2. As an alternative you can also reach out to the local JAG and ask the question without providing specifics.

 Discussing the Issue with the Chain of Command

If you choose to discuss the issue with the chain of command consider:

  1. Being factual
  2. Be professional
  3. Be calm
  4. Collect your fact and develop courses of action that make sense and are realistic.  Leaders like options and solutions
Hope this helps!
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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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