Can I recieve a Letter of Reprimand if I was counseled and successfully completed the plan of action? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can I recieve a Letter of Reprimand if I was counseled and successfully completed the plan of action?

I played a prank on a fellow NCO months ago. I didn't lie or attempt to hide it. The next day I received an event oriented counseling, with a plan of action that I would apologize and not interact with that Soldier in a negative manner again. A month later the Soldier submitted an informal complaint against me. The 15-6 findings were that I was guilty of the offense. I was recommended for a GOMOR, the General refused to give me a GOMOR. Now my unit is attempting to give me a letter of reprimand. Can they do that after I was already counseled, and completed the plan of action?

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership


There are a ton of unknowns in this situation.

Why was the action returned by the CG?

Did the CG return it for action at a lower level?

Did he return and simply state it was not appropriate you receive a GOMMOR?


If the CG returned it for action at a lower level then YES they can give you a letter of reprimand.  The good thing is that at the BDE level or lower it does not go in your OMPF.  The bad news is the findings of the 15-6 can be used as the basis for a comment on your evaluation report.

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While this post does not directly apply to your situation the process still applies:  How can I convince my Chain of Command to drop an Article 15?

Your Attitude and Tone

Your attitude and tone in handling issues like this are very important.  It is very important that you be factual, respectful, calm, and professional.  Take the high road.  If you get emotional it will not workout in your favor.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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