Can I be given corrective training twice for one offense? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can I be given corrective training twice for one offense?

Today during a urinalysis my commander told the company not to talk. He caught me talking and made me do some PT. Now he is having my team leader complete a DA 4856 and give me corrective training (an essay). Can my commander give me corrective training after I have already been punished for my actions? I looked in AR 600-20 CH 4-6 I just do not understand the AR the way that it is written.

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First let’s review some specifics of corrective training. References for corrective training are: AR 600-20 and AR 27-10.

  1. Corrective Training must be in line with or directly related to the offense. For example: If you incorrectly perform PT you could be be given additional instruction until you perform correctly or let’s say you did not wear your uniform properly; then you could be given corrective training on the wear of the uniform.
  2. Corrective Training must be designed to correct the Soldiers performance in the substandard area.
  3. Corrective Training should only continue until the substandard performance is corrected.
  4. Corrective training should not be administered as punishment.

With that understood, requiring you to do PT is not in line with the guidelines of corrective training as it was not directly related to the offense or designed to correct the substandard performance. Writing an essay, depending on the topic, could be appropriate as corrective training in your situation.

It is common in the military to drop Soldiers for push-ups. While this may not be appropriate corrective training it is usually done as a quick reminder or on-the-spot correction. I would not personally make a big deal about it. If you spend your military career worrying about what is fair and what isn’t fair, you will end up doing a lot of worrying.

If it bothers you have a couple options:

  • First ask to speak with your commander and explain that you feel that the essay is not necessary because the corrective training or on-the-spot correction was already achieved using push-ups.
  • Second you might want to consider adding to the end of your essay a short discussion on how to use corrective training properly per the regulation. The commander will most likely read your essay and get your message.

If you choose to use either of these suggestions it is imperative that you present your argument in a factual and professional manner. Do not try to use it as a way to get back at the commander but more of a way to show the commander you took the essay seriously and looked up how to use corrective training properly because you want to ensure you use it correctly when you are in a leadership position.

Realistically, your situation occurs often within the military as many leaders do not understand how to properly use corrective training or on-the-spot corrections per military regulation. No, it’s not quite in line with doctrine. However, it is often how things are done.

Read other posts about Army Corrective Training

Read The Mentor: Everything you need to know about leadership and counseling for more information about Counseling, Leadership, Corrective Training, and Separations in the Army.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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