Are tan of backpacks are authorized for wear while in uniform? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Are tan of backpacks are authorized for wear while in uniform?

What type of backpacks are authorized for wear with the Army Utility Uniform or ACU, BDU, DCU, Multi Cam, etc?

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

AR 670-1 paragraph 3-7f (See extract below), outlines the requirements for wearing of backpacks.  Perhaps most important in this paragraph is the phrase which states:

Bags (to include civilian gym bags, civilian backpacks, or other similar civilian bags) must be carried only in the hand if they do not meet the criteria outlined in paragraph 3–7f.

The next statement:

(2) If Soldiers choose to wear a shoulder bag while in uniform, the bag must be black or match the camouflage pattern uniform being worn, and may not have any commercial logos. 

makes it clear that only Black or Matching Camouflage backpacks may be worn. However this does not prevent them from being carried in the hand.

So based on the AR 670-1 para 3-7f- if the backpack is not black on of the same camo pattern the Soldier is wearing the Soldier may only carry the backpack in their hand.

Extract of AR 670-1 paragraph 3-7f

Bags, handbags, purses, and backpacks are authorized, but must adhere to the following criteria:
(1) Hand carried bags will be conservative and professional in appearance. Bags (to include civilian gym bags, civilian backpacks, or other similar civilian bags) must be carried only in the hand if they do not meet the criteria outlined in paragraph 3–7f
(2). DA Pam 670–1 provides additional descriptions and wear occasions for handbags.
(2) If Soldiers choose to wear a shoulder bag while in uniform, the bag must be black or match the camouflage pattern uniform being worn, and may not have any commercial logos. The contents of the bag may not be visible; therefore, see-through plastic or mesh bags are not authorized. Soldiers may carry authorized bags by hand, on one shoulder using a shoulder strap, or over both shoulders using both shoulder straps
(3) Commanders may prescribe the wear of organizational issue rucksacks in garrison and field environments.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Tanner Chesnick


    “camouflage pattern uniform”
    camouflage pattern is the adjective specifying which uniform and the subject is uniform. This implies they’re talking about the outfit (blouse, shirt, pants, and boots as you are required to have all in order to be in uniform) so coyote tan is authorized as it is a color in the uniform. Even if you don’t consider the boots as part of the uniform: they are matched to said uniform, which means anything in that color matches the uniform.

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