Category SOPs | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Warrior Skills SOP Skill Level 1

Soldier’s manual warrior tasks skill level 1; Subject Areas covered are Shoot,  Communicate,  Joint Urban Operations,  Move, Fight and a Cross Reference. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Warrior Drills SOP

Drills for All Squads and Sections: React to Contact (Dismounted) React to Contact (Mounted) React to a Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED) React to Contact (RPG) Avoid Ambush React to Ambush (Dismounted) React to Ambush (Mounted) React to Roadblock While …Read More

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Military Police Company Unit Specific Urinalysis Procedure SOP

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a unit specific urinalysis procedure for Military Police Company.  It, and the references list in the SOP, will be used when conducting all urinalysis collections. Drug Use / Abuse: Using a controlled drug without …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Unit Field Operations SOP

This SOP covers those critical elements of unit operations which will allow us to succeed during war and training.  All soldiers and leaders are responsible for knowing these procedures. The standards laid out in this SOP are designed to make …Read More

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Heavy Weapons Company Training SOP

The purpose of this SOP is to standardize routine training in Company,  AIR in order facilitate ease of planning and execution of all training. Company leaders will know and use this document to develop and implement training plans and keep …Read More

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Main Tactical Command Post Standing Operating Procedures

This SOP is to establish procedures and provide command guidance on the function and tactical control responsibilities of the Main Tactical Command Post in the Battalion (Air Assault). General: The Main Tactical Command Post (CP) is the planning and monitoring …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Military Police Company Supply SOP

This Standard Operation Procedure establishes policies and procedures for the Military Police Company’s Supply Room and Program. It is to establish a set of standards and procedures to follow in the area of Supply within the Military Police Company. Supply …Read More

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All Source Analysis System Standing Operating Procedures

This SOP delineates responsibilities and outlines duties for All Source Analysis System (ASAS) operations for the Analysis and Control Element (ACE).  This SOP covers operations with the ASAS and manual analytical operations as required. The mission of the ACE is …Read More

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Security Manager’s Standard Operating Procedures

This SOP was published to provide guidance for Brigade unit Security Managers to follow in establishing and maintaining an effective security program.  It provides a handy resource document to guide Security Managers and Commanders.  This SOP is to be used in …Read More

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Corps Support Command Badge SOP

This SOP states sll personnel entering COSCOM Headquarters, are required to wear a badge as identification and for force protection.  During an increase in threat level for III Corps and Fort Hood, the badge policy allows security forces to control …Read More

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Staff Duty NCO (SDNCO) Leave Procedures SOP

This SOP gives procedures for signing a soldier in/out on leave, noting that Soldiers Pcsing, retirement leave, trans leave:  (The soldier must physically sign out of the unit) sign the Soldier out with DA Form 31. The Soldier must fill out …Read More

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Intelligence Section Battalion Level SOP

The mission of the Intelligence Section is to provide timely, relevant and accurate intelligence to the Battalion Commander, Staff, and Company Commanders of Battalion Infantry,  and to oversee operational security to allow the effective application of combat power while reducing …Read More

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