Category SOPs | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Investigations SOP

This is an Investigations SOP. Under a heading of general it states, determining the important facts and preserving them in useful form is the first step in any investigation. In order to preserve any evidence, the commander must act promptly …Read More

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After Action Reports SOP

This is an After Action Reports SOP. The purpose of this SOP is to identify those activities for which an AAR is required and to ensure that all AARs follow a uniform format which will help ensure that salient points …Read More

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Military Police MOS 95B10 Standards SOP

The purpose of this SOP is to ensure that enlisted personnel within the Military Reserve are trained in mission oriented military police and technical skills through a uniform set of standards prior to being awarded the 95B10 MOS. It is …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Sponsorship – Standard Operating Procedures

This is a Sponsorship SOP. Effective sponsorship is a critical program to enhance unit retention in the Army Reserve. Every Soldier, civilian employee and contracted employee assigned to the command is assigned a sponsor by the Army Reserve Career Counselor …Read More

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Retention Operations Manual

This is a retention operations manual. This manual provides standards for retention personnel and emphasizes the fundamentals required to perform retention duties in support of the Total Army Retention Program in the gamut of military operations.It emphasizes experience concepts and …Read More

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OPORD Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) Exercise

This is an OPORD Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) Exercise. Soldier Readiness Processing is required in order to ensure Soldiers readiness within the command. Soldiers’ records and data must be updated in MPDV prior to deployment. The intend to ensure that …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

Human Resource Standing Operating Procedures

This is a Human Resource Standing Operating Procedures. It lists it’s purpose, policy is to establish a set of standards and procedures in the area of Human Resources (HR). This SOP is not a block-by-block instruction on every form, however, …Read More

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Human Resource Standing Operating Procedures

This is a human resource standing operating procedures.  It states it’s purpose, policy is to establish a set of standards and procedures in the area of Human Resources among three garrisons. This SOP is not a block-by-block instruction on every …Read More

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Records Management SOP Example

This is a good example of a very detailed Records Management SOP and can be used as a guide if you need to write a Records Management SOP.  It has graphics inserted into it to make understanding the Records Management …Read More

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Electronic Evaluation Submissions of Evaluation Reporting System (ERS) and Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs) to EAATS

This document is to outline the procedures for completing and submitting electronic evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS). This includes: Officer Evaluation Reports (OERs), and Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOERs). It provides guidance and procedures for completing …Read More

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Weapons Qualification Range SOP

This SOP provides guidance for weapons qualification and familiarization for all weapons that are authorized in the Battalion. It’s purpose of this SOP is to provide specific guidance on all phases of weapons qualification, familiarization, setting up, operating and clearing …Read More

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Standard Operating Procedure for Process for Assignment/Attachment of Soldiers to the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU)

The purpose of this SOP is to provide standard operating procedures for transferring Active Duty Soldiers into the TAMC WTU or to another WTU. These procedures apply to all Soldiers transferring into the WTU. Criteria for Soldier assignment/attachment to the …Read More

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