Category Training Circulars | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Training Circulars

TC 3-04.44 Aircrew Training Manual, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior – Supersedes TC 1-248

This aircrew training manual standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures. It provides specific guidelines for executing OH-58D aircrew training. It establishes crewmember qualification, and refresher, mission, and continuation training and evaluation requirements. It applies to all OH-58D crewmembers and their …Read More

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TC 3-04.62 Small Unmanned Aircraft System Aircrew Training Program – Supersedes TC 1-611

The training objective of any combat unit is for the unit to be able to conduct combined arms training (CAT). The SUAS aircrew training program focuses on individual and crew training. Once the unit establishes individual and crew training programs, …Read More

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TC 3-04.61 Unmanned Aircraft System Commander’s Guide and Aircrew Training Manual – Supersedes TC 1-600

This TC standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures by providing specific guidelines for executing unmanned aircraft system (UAS) aircrew training. It establishes crewmember qualification, refresher, mission, and continuation training and evaluation requirements. It applies to the multi-mission unmanned …Read More

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TC 3-04.51 Aircrew Training Manual, Utility Airplane, C-12 – Supersedes TC 1-218

The aircrew training manual standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures. It provides specific guidelines for executing C-12 aircrew training. It describes training requirements for crewmembers. The tasks in it enhance individual and aircrew proficiency training. The training focuses on …Read More

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TC 3-04.43 Aircrew Training Manual, Cargo Helicopter, CH-47D/F – Supersedes TC 1-240

This aircrew training manual standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures. It provides specific guidelines for executing CH-47D/F aircrew training. It establishes crewmember qualification, and refresher, mission, and continuation training and evaluation requirements. It applies to all CH-47D/F crewmembers …Read More

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TC 3-04.43 Aircrew Training Manual, OH-58A/C KIOWA – Supersedes TC 1-228

The aircrew training annual standardizes aircrew training programs and flight evaluation procedures. It provides specific guidelines for executing OH-58A/C and TH-67 aircrew training. It establishes crewmember qualification, refresher, mission, and continuation training and evaluation requirements. It applies to all OH-58A/C …Read More

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TC 3-04.52 Aircrew Training Manual, Reconnaissance Airplane, RC-12 Series – Supersedes TC 1-219

TC 3-04.52 consolidates Guardrail and Guardrail/common sensor (GRCS) aircraft into one aircrew training manual (ATM) and standardizes aircrew training programs (ATPs) and flight evaluation procedures. It provides specific guidelines for executing RC-12 series aircrew training. It is based on the …Read More

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TC 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals – Supersedes FM 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals

This manual is to orient Soldiers to the functions and descriptions of hand grenades and pyrotechnic signals. It also provides a guide for the proper handling and throwing of hand grenades and pyrotechnic signals, suggests methods and techniques for the …Read More

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TC 3-22.37 Javelin Close Combat Missile System, Medium – Supersedes FM 3-22.37 Javelin – Close Combat Missile System, Medium

This publication provides technical information, training techniques, and guidance on the current Javelin weapon system and Block 1 improvements. The intended users include unit leaders, trainers, and designated gunners. The users will find this information invaluable in their efforts to …Read More

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TC 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training – Supersedes FM 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training

This training circular contains basic and advanced training and techniques for static line parachuting. It is designed to standardize procedures for initial qualification and training of personnel in their duties and responsibilities in airborne operations. The jumpmaster, assistant jumpmaster, safeties, …Read More

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TM 4-48.10 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures

All services participate in the sling load certification program. This manual includes standardized rigging procedures and other information from that program. It contain rigging procedures for single-point loads which have been certified for sling load. It contain rigging procedures which …Read More

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TC 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremonies – Supersedes FM 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremonies

This training circular provides guidance for Armywide uniformity in the conduct of drill and ceremonies. It includes methods of instructing drill, teaching techniques, individual and unit drill, manual of arms for infantry weapons, and various other aspects of basic drill …Read More

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