Category Legal Information | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Legal Information

Regional Trial Defense Team Information Paper on Responding to FLIPLS (Financial Liability Investigations for Property Loss) Memorandum

This is a Regional Trial Defense Team (RTDT) Information Paper on Responding to Financial Liability Investigations for Property Loss (FLIPLS) Memorandum. It srarts out with: If you have received an initial notice of potential financial liability to the Government for property …Read More

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Enlisted Separation Board Information (AR 135-178) Memorandum

This is an Enlisted Separation Board Information (AR 135-178) Memorandum. Topics covered are Board Notice; Defense Counsel Representation; General Board Hearing, conditional waivers and medical issues; Summary of Rights and Matters; Types of Discharge; OTH and Substantial Adverse Effects; Conditional …Read More

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Military Claims Act Damage to Soldiers’ POV by Government Driver Questions and Answer

This is a Military Claims Act Damage to Soldiers’ POV by Government Driver Questions and Answer Document. Questions answered are as follows: A soldier gets into an accident with another vehicle, causing damage to the soldier’s privately owned vehicle (POV). …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Letter of Reprimand Questions and Answer

This is a Letter of Reprimand Questions and Answer Document. Questions answered are as follows: What is a letter of reprimand and where can one be filed? How do I respond to a letter of reprimand? A letter of reprimand …Read More

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Administrative Reprimands Questions and Answer Document

This is an Administrative Reprimands Questions and Answer Document. Questions answered are as follows: What is an administrative reprimand? Why is the filing determination so important to my career? What are the provisions for reprimands concerning driving while intoxicated? What …Read More

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Local Bars to Reenlistment Questions and Answer

This is a Local Bars to Reenlistment Questions and Answer Document. Questions answered are as follows: What is a local bar to reenlistment? What are the criteria for imposing a local bar to reenlistment? What are the procedures for initiating …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Sample Letter for Creditors for Yourself

This is a Sample Letter for Creditors for Yourself. Starts out with: Pursuant to §207 of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), 50 U.S.C. App. 501 et seq., I request that interest on the above-referenced debt be reduced to 6 …Read More

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Sample Letter for Creditors for Dependents

This is a Sample Letter for Creditors for Dependents. Starts out with: Pursuant to §538 of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), 50 U.S.C. App. 501 et seq., I request that interest on the above-referenced debt be reduced to 6 …Read More

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Lemon Law Legal Questions and Answers

This is a Lemon Law Legal Questions and Answers Document. The Questions answered are as follows: What is the Lemon Law? To whom does the New Jersey Lemon Law apply? What is not covered by the New Jersey Lemon Law? …Read More

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Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Reduction of Interest Rate to 6% Legal Brief

This is a paper on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Reduction of Interest Rate to 6% Legal Brief.  Servicemembers may be able to reduce the interest rate on their pre-service credit cards, car loans, mortgages, installment contracts, interest charged …Read More

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Gifts from Outside Sources; Solicitation of Gifts by Government Employees Information Paper

This is a Gifts from Outside Sources; Solicitation of Gifts by Government Employees Information Paper. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information on the ethical rules relating to gifts from outside sources and solicitation of gifts by government …Read More

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Responsibilities and Obligations for Final Implementation of the Lautenberg Amendment Information Paper

This is a Responsibilities and Obligations for Final Implementation of the Lautenberg Amendment Information Paper. Purpose: To set forth Commander and staff obligations on reporting of soldiers effected by the Lautenberg Amendment, to include deployment eligibility, assignment and retention of …Read More

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