Military Claims Act Damage to Soldiers’ POV by Government Driver Questions and Answer | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Military Claims Act Damage to Soldiers’ POV by Government Driver Questions and Answer

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This is a Military Claims Act Damage to Soldiers’ POV by Government Driver Questions and Answer Document. Questions answered are as follows:

  • A soldier gets into an accident with another vehicle, causing damage to the soldier’s privately owned vehicle (POV). The other vehicle was operated by a government driver. can the soldier be compensated for the damage to his POV?
  • How is it determined who was at fault for the accident?
  • Who determines if the government driver operated the vehicle during the course and scope of employment with the U.S. Army?
  • Will the claim be denied if the government driver cannot be identified?
  • How does a Soldier file a claim with the ASA Dix ILO Claims Division?
  • Is there an advantage to filing a claim with the ILO Office versus the Soldier’s insurance company?
  • How can I obtain further information on filing a claim through the ILO Office?

NOTE: This document is in PDF format


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