Category Handbooks | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Army Barracks Management Program Handbook

This is a guide to property management and operations of Army barracks. It describes the management of Unaccompanied Housing (UH) to support the needs of unaccompanied soldiers based on lessons learned and provides a uniform standard based on the needs …Read More

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MCOE SH 21-76 United States Army Ranger Handbook

The MCOE SH 21-76 (Ranger Handbook) is mainly written for U.S. Army Rangers and other light Infantry units, however it should also serve as a handy reference for other U.S. military units. It covers how Infantry squad- and platoon-sized elements …Read More

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Pocket Physical Training Guide

This is Pocket Physical Training Guide. The information is provided for individuals preparing for the physical demands of initial military training (IMT). It was written in recognition that both the quality and quantity of physical activity recommended to the individuals …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Commander’s Legal Handbook

This guide is designed to assist Commanders with legal situations by helping them recognize and avoid issues or take immediate action necessary to preserve the situation when legal issues arise.

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Military Funeral Honors Handbook

This is a military funeral honors handbook.  It can be used to find out information about military funeral honors. This publication prescribes the criteria, policies, processes, procedures and responsibilities for MFH. This publication applies to military and civilians assigned to …Read More

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A Guide For Congressional Inquiries

This is a guide for Congressional Inquiries.  It can be used as a guide for Congressional Inquiries if you have one. This handbook does not replace Army Regulation 1-20, “Legislative Liaison,” or Department of the Army Standing Operating Procedures, “Congressional …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Security Manager’s Handbook USAREC Pamphlet 380-4

The purpose of this handbook is to provide a handy reference document for security managers that encompasses the major security issues, some of which may not be applicable to all recruiting activities. Information within this pamphlet does not supplement Army …Read More

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U.S. Army Quartermaster Center And School Logistics Training Department Supply Training Handbook

This Supply Training Handbook will introduce and describe the most important codes applicable to Army units and Supply Support Activities. It will also depict some of the most basic forms associated with Army supply. It is meant to assist Army …Read More

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Congressional Inquiry Handbook

Department of the Army’s policy is to make information promptly available to Members and Committees of Congress and their staffs. This policy is limited only by pertinent regulations and directives relating to security and protection of individual privacy and to …Read More

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Warrior Transition Brigade Warrior Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide Warrior Transition BDE (WTB) Warrior’s with guidance on standards of conduct and key policies. This WTB Warrior ’s Handbook applies to all Warriors assigned/attached to the Warrior Transition BDE, Walter Reed Army …Read More

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Initial Entry Training Cadre Spouse Guide Handbook

This handbook is designed to help you as a new cadre spouse member to become ―Family Strong. It provides basic knowledge about Initial Entry Training (IET), new responsibilities of your cadre member, and advice to prepare yourself better for the …Read More

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Establishing a Lessons Learned Program Handbook

This handbook provides leaders and members of an organization with a “how-to” guide for establishing a lessons learned (LL) capability. It promises to detail what the LL process is and how to apply all the available tools to establish your …Read More

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