Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 5-21 RAND Arroyo Center

This regulation defines Army policies and responsibilities for the RAND Arroyo Center. It describes the development of its annual research agenda and establishes the framework for managing and directing RAND Arroyo Center efforts. It also describes the RAND Arroyo Center …Read More

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AR 5-20 Competitive Sourcing Program

This regulation provides guidance for managing and executing the Competitive Sourcing Program. This regulation establishes procedures and provides instructions for conducting A–76 studies to determine the most cost effective performance as to whether contract, public reimbursable provider, or Government personnel …Read More

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AR 5-18 Army Stationing and Installation Plan

This regulation prescribes policies, procedures, preparation, and responsibilities for total management of the Army Stationing and Installation Plan database, data sources, the system, and use and distribution of Army Stationing and Installation Plan data.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 5-17 The Army Ideas for Excellence Program

This regulation covers the policies and procedures of the Army Ideas for Excellence Program. It also gives instructions on the submission and eligibility of ideas, explains evaluation and disposition procedures, and provides guidance for the payment of awards.

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AR 5-14 Management of Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services

This regulation prescribes policies, procedures, and responsibilities for a disciplined approach to the management, acquisition, and reporting of Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services requirements to meet Department of Defense requirements. It is required to implement the definitions and guidance in …Read More

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AR 5-13 Total Army Munitions Requirements Process and Prioritization System

This regulation prescribes policies governing war reserve, operational, training, and test munitions management and operating procedures for the Total Ammunition Management Information System.

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 5-12 Army Management of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

This regulation assigns responsibilities for Army management of the electromagnetic spectrum (hereafter referred to as spectrum management) and for Army participation in Service, Joint, U.S., host-nation, and international spectrum management activities. It issues spectrum-related policies and responsibilities for Army commands, …Read More

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AR 5-11 Management of Army Modeling and Simulations

This regulation prescribes policy and guidance and assigns responsibilities for the management of Army modeling and simulations (M&S). Specific Army communities enabled by M&S are currently the Acquisition Community, Analysis Community, Experimentation Community, Intelligence Community, Test and Evaluation Community, and …Read More

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AR 5-10 Stationing

This regulation establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities for stationing actions.

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AR 5-1 Total Army Quality Management

This regulation establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities for managing U.S. Army organizations. Army personnel will use it to develop and implement sound management practices.

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AR 1-9 White House Liaison, Communications, and Inspections

This regulation includes policies for processing and responding to White House communications.

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AR 1-75 Administrative and Logistical Support of Overseas Security Assistance Organizations (SAOs)

Purpose: This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the administrative and logistical support of organizations, teams, and individuals performing security assistance activities in overseas areas.

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