Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 140-50 Officer Candidate School, Army Reserve

This regulation prescribes policy, eligibility requirements, and administration for submitting and processing applications for Officer Candidate School and for appointing OCS graduates as commissioned officers in the Army Reserve. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Army Reserve except to those …Read More

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AR 140-483 Army Reserve Land and Facilities Management

This regulation establishes policy and procedures for the life cycle management of U.S. Army Reserve facilities. It includes provisions for major and minor construction, management of real estate, space guidelines, project documentation, real property maintenance activities, automation, licensing the use …Read More

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AR 140-315 Employment and Utilization of U.S. Army Reserve Military Technicians

This regulation establishes policies and prescribes procedures for the employment, utilization and separation of military technicians by the Army Reserve. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Army Reserve.

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AR 140-30 Active Duty in Support of the United States Army Reserve and Active Guard Reserve Management Program

This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for selecting, assigning, attaching, using, managing, and administering Army Reserve soldiers on active duty in the Active Guard Reserve program. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Army Reserve

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AR 140-185 Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level Strength Accounting Records

This regulation prescribes the types of training and activities for which retirement points are authorized and the procedures for recording retirement point credits and training for Army Reserve soldiers. It discusses the procedures for recording retirement point credits and training …Read More

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AR 140-145 Individual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA) Program

This regulation prescribes procedures for the employment, utilization, and management of the Individual Mobilization Augmentation Program. It also contains specific procedures to be used to activate Individual Mobilization Augmentation Program Soldiers during various contingency operations including a presidential Reserve call-up, with …Read More

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AR 140-111 U.S. Army Reserve Reenlistment Program

This regulation implements Department of Defense policy governing retention, reenlistment eligibility, and service requirements. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Active Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard unless otherwise stated.

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AR 140-10 Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures to assign, attach, detail, remove, or transfer Army Reserve soldiers. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve.

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AR 140-1 Mission, Organization, and Training

This regulation provides policy guidance on the mission, its organization, and training of the Army Reserve. Applicability: This regulation applies to the U.S. Army Reserve and the Active Army. It does not apply to the Army National Guard.

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AR 135-91 Service Obligations, Methods of Fulfillment, Participation Requirements, and Enforcement Procedures

This regulation defines Army National Guard and Army Reserve service obligations. It prescribes policies and procedures governing the various types of service obligations and participation requirements. Applicability: This regulation applies to the Army Reserve and Army National Guard.

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AR 135-9 Participation in Joint Service Reserve Component Facility Boards

This regulation establishes policy, procedures, duties, and responsibilities for Army participation in the Joint Service Reserve Component Facility Boards.

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AR 135-7 Incentive Programs

This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the administration of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve incentive programs. These programs include the— (1) Selected Reserve Incentive Program which offers: (a) Enlistment bonus. (b) Educational assistance. (c) Reenlistment/extension bonus. (d) …Read More

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