Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

AR 25–52 Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

This regulation prescribes policy and assigns responsibility for developing, approving, and using abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in Army written This regulation prescribes policy and assigns responsibility for developing, approving, and using abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in Army written …Read More

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AR 25–51 Official Mail and Distribution Management

This regulation contains policy on carrying out the DOD Official Mail Cost Control Program and the Department of the Army Official Mail and Distribution Management Program. It addresses the use of postage meters, mailing permits, special mail services, postage stamps, …Read More

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AR 25–50 Preparing and Managing Correspondence

This regulation prescribes Department of the Army policies, procedures, and standard formats for preparing and processing Army correspondence. It establishes three forms of correspondence authorized for use within the Army: a letter, a memorandum, and a message.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 25–400–2 The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)

This regulation governs the programs that define the maintenance and disposition of Army information and implements policy on record keeping requirements for Army regulations prescribing the creation and maintenance of records under those functional programs.

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AR 25-36 Interservicing of Technical Manuals and Related Technology Compliance with this Publication Mandatory

This publication prescribes, agreements, and procedures for exchanging Technical Manuals and associated information on common-use equipment by the military services and the Defense Logistics Agency.  It implements DOD Instructions, which apply to common-use equipment and to exchanging related technology.

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This regulation describes the responsibilities of personnel who manage, prepare, publish, distribute, and use JTCG/ME publications. It directs functional management for the publication of Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manuals and JTCG/ME Special Reports produced by the Joint Technical Coordinating Group for …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

AR 25–30 The Army Publishing Program

This regulation covers the policies for the preparation, coordination, legal review, approval, authentication, final publication, and distribution of Army publications and forms to include printed and digital media. The guidance prescribed by this regulation applies to all official Army publications …Read More

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AR 25-2 Information Assurance

This regulation provides Information Assurance policy, mandates, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for implementing the Army Information Assurance Program, consistent with today’s technological advancements for achieving acceptable levels of security in engineering, implementation, operation, and maintenance for information systems connecting to …Read More

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AR 25–1 Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology

This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for information management and information technology. It applies to information technology contained in both business systems and national security systems developed for or purchased by the Department of Army. It addresses the management …Read More

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AR 230–3 Department of the Army Welfare Fund

This regulation covers the policies and procedures governing the Department of the Army Welfare Fund and its subsidiary funds. It identifies responsibilities of the Board of Directors, the Fund Manager, in relation to Agency subsidiary funds; and outlines authorized and …Read More

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AR 220–90 Army Bands

This regulation covers Army band policies and describes the types of missions of Army bands. In addition to stating responsibilities, this regulation reflects the approved Army bands mission statement, and provides guidance on the proper utilization, resourcing, training, and evaluation …Read More

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AR 220–5 Designation, Classification, and Change in Status of Units

This regulation prescribes general policies and rules governing the designation, classification, and change in status of Army units.

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