Category Army Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Army Regulations

Notes in AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAGS)

This notes in AR 600-8-2 Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAGS). This regulation is modified by Army Directive 2012-07, Administrative Processing for Separation of Soldiers for Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse Army Directive 2012-20, Physical Fitness and Height and Weight …Read More

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Army Regulation References – List of Army Regulations by Topic Catagories in Alphabetical order

This is a list of Topic Categories in Alphabetical order and a Reference to the regulation and/or DA Pamphlet that covers the topic of the category.  It also list 4 good web sites to find the given regulation or DA …Read More

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AR 600-6 Individual Sick Slip DD Form 689 – Historical Copy superseded by AR 40-66 Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation

This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for the preparation, use, and disposition of DD Form 689 Individual Sick Slip. The Individual Sick Slip will be issued to a patient who either requests or receives medical or dental treatment or evaluation …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR ARNGR 601-2 Army National Guard Attrition Management Program

This regulation provides policy, outlines specific responsibility, and establishes uniform procedures to assist commanders in the establishment and maintenance of Attrition Management Programs within the Army National Guard (ARARNG).  For clarity, the term “unit” is defined to include brigade (BDE), …Read More

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Administrative Reductions Per Army Regulation 600-8-19

Provides an overview of the process for administrative reductions per AR 600-8-19. NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and …Read More

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AR 95-27 Operational Procedures for Aircraft Carrying Hazardous Materials

This instruction implements AFPD 11–2, Flight Rules and Procedures, by prescribing guidance and procedures to inform base support elements of arriving or departing aircraft carrying hazardous cargo. It specifies the special procedures that apply to aircraft carrying nuclear, chemical, or …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 95-23 Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Regulations

This regulation covers Unmanned Aircraft System operations, unmanned aircraft crewmember training and currency requirements, and flight rules. It also covers Army Unmanned Aircraft System general provisions, training, standardization, and management of Unmanned Aircraft System resources.

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AR 95-2 Airspace, Airfields, Heliports, Flight Activities, Air Traffic Control, and Navigational Aids

This regulation prescribes U.S. Army policy, responsibilities, procedures and rules for airspace, airfields, heliports, flight activities, air traffic control and navigational aids. It covers Army air traffic control general provisions: qualifications and ratings, certification of airfields, airspace, special military operations …Read More

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AR 95-11 Military Flight Data Telecommunications System

This manual explains how to process flight data through Department of Defense and Federal Aviation Administration telecommunications system.

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AR 95-1 Flight Regulations

This regulation establishes policy and procedures for Army aircraft operations, flight rules, crew requirements, and general aviation provisions. It defines aircrew training and equipment requirements, standardization programs, and management of aviation resources. Also, this regulation covers procedures for safety of …Read More

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AR 930-5 American National Red Cross Service Program and Army Utilization

This regulation provides information concerning the mission and operations of the American National Red Cross (hereafter referred to as the Red Cross), states the objectives and policies of the Department of the Army with respect to the cooperation with and …Read More

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AR 930-4 Army Emergency Relief

This regulation: a. Prescribes requirements, procedures, and responsibilities for administering, operating, and approving Army Emergency Relief assistance. b. It also states programs and policies for Army Emergency Relief assistance to eligible Army Soldiers and their authorized dependents. c. The portions …Read More

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