Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals



This regulation prescribes policies, assigns responsibilities, and establishes procedures for presenting an annual ARMY LABORATORY OF THE YEAR Award to the Research and Development laboratory conducting the best program during the preceding fiscal year, a SPECIAL AWARD to the most …Read More

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AR 672-304 Army Research and Development Achievement Awards

This regulation prescribes procedures for administering the Army Research and Development Achievement Awards Program. This program was established under the general provisions of AR 672-20 to provide meaningful recognition of US Army military and civilian personnel for exceptional scientific and …Read More

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AR 672-201 The Secretary of the Army Recruiter / Retention / Transition Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) of the Year Awards

This regulation prescribes responsibilities, eligibility criteria, nomination, selection, and presentation procedures for the Secretary of the Army Recruiter/Retention/Transition Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) of the Year awards. Historical Copy.

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software

AR 672-20 Incentive Awards

This regulation provides policy on the use of both monetary and honorary incentive awards for civilian employees. It covers invention, superior accomplishment, performance, honorary, and public service awards, as well as Quality Step Increases.

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AR 672–16 Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award

This guidance prescribes policy governing the Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award and prescribes the criteria and nominating procedures for the Award. It also gives the responsibilities of the Multi-Department Selection Recommendation Committee.

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AR 672-13 Secretary of the Army Awards for Program / Project Management

This regulation prescribes a program for Secretary of the Army Awards for Program / Project Management. These awards recognize Army program and project managers whose outstanding accomplishments and contributions merit special recognition. This award complements the military awards and decorations …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software

AR 672-11 Brigadier General Jeremiah P. Holland Award

This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for awarding the Brigadier General Jeremiah P. Holland Award to the most outstanding military police unit, company size or smaller, each fiscal year to the most outstanding military police unit, company-size or smaller.

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AR 670-10 Furnishing Uniforms or Paying Uniform Allowances to Civilian Employees

This regulation establishes standards and guidelines for furnishing uniforms or paying uniform allowances under the Federal Employees Uniform Allowance Act to Department of the Army civilian employees. A uniform includes articles of distinctive clothing or insignia which an employee is …Read More

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AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia

The Army is a profession. A Soldier’s appearance measures part of his or her professionalism. Proper wear of the Army uniform is a matter of personal pride for all Soldiers. It is indicative of esprit de corps and morale within …Read More

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AR 640-30 Photographs for Military Human Resources Records

This regulation establishes policy and procedures for taking, selecting, submitting, and maintaining current Department of the Army official photographs in the DA Photograph Management Information System for promotions and military personnel files.

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This regulation establishes the Armed Services Graves Registration Office for mobilization planning purposes and for direction of graves registration services during periods of major military operations. Historical Copy.

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AR 638-2 Care and Disposition of Remains and Disposition of Personal Effects

This regulation: a. Describes the Army Mortuary Affairs Program. b. Sets policies and responsibilities for operating the Army Current Death Program worldwide. c. Covers search for, recovery, identification, preparation, and disposition of remains of persons for whom the Army is …Read More

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